Thursday, March 26, 2009

Winnie Cooper Gets Married ??

I have NO motivation to write anything political today. It's been a very busy and frustrating week, but it's paying off as we near end of the month... So toniht, we're going for total fluff..

If you're my age or a little younger, you know Winnie Cooper. No, not the little car - that's a Mini Cooper. Danica McKellar played Little Kevin Arnold's love interest in that TV Classic, The Wonder Years. Well, Danica has grown up - big time..

She certainly ended up a lot hotter than I ever thought she'd be, but draft picking teenagers wasn't my specialty. If it was, I would have known how hot Jennifer Maysonet was going to get when she liked me in Junior High.... However, Danica is more than just a pretty face. She has authored books, and is considered one of the brighter young mathematical minds around. She's even had some of her work published.. How do you them apples???

Well, she's off the market now. Joining her as her maid of Honor was her sister, Crystal, who you may not know played Becky Slater, the girl that punched Kevin when he dumped her on the show. Some of the other cats members attended as well, but Fred Savage wasn't there. He's busy, you know......



  1. Nooooooooooo!

    Thanks for ruining my week. First the Fat Boys break up and now this.

    Thanks, Mike.

  2. Adding insult to injury, from the clip I added, it sounds like she's a Republican too ! Be strong, my friend..

  3. Uh...her book promotes math and SCIENCE.

  4. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Which means she is a Republican you know those Democrats are not about learning if they did they would not be Democrats

  5. If it promoted math and "intelligent design," maybe...

  6. I like watching you two guys trade barbs without being nasty with each other...
