Thursday, April 23, 2009

God Works In Mysterious Ways....

Now, even though I am technically a Baptist, I don't really believe that God is a vengeful person. I don't really believe in the hellfire and brimstone sermons that some preachers speak about.. But, I do believe in that karma-like theory that he might cause you to reap what you sow...

What exactly do I mean? Let's take the Myrtle Beach fire that is happening as I write this. Here is my theory... The city of Myrtle Beach has a long relationship with it's tourists of all types and incomes. Then, they decide to curb the visits from some of them. First, they make the bikers feel like outlaws, then they ban thong bikinis, and the Spring Break crowds are a distant memory...

Now, just a month from when they would normally have all those people visit, in what will already be a tough year, a fire breaks out. A fire that will undoubtedly strap the city with expenses...

So, am I saying that God is exacting his revenge on Myrtle Beach for their lack of Christian understanding with the bikers? I don't know, but the karma sure seems to be working that way...



  1. Anonymous9:37 AM

    God's wrath would be fire falling from above on the adult businesses, straight and GLBT oriented and perhaps a few select realtors, bankers and time sahre call centers...

  2. He has my approval for burning down the timeshare call center..

  3. Mike, I'll second that motion.

    All in favor, say aye?

  4. west_rhino4:09 PM

