Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Kevin Hall Drops Out of the SCGOP Chair Race..

Stunning news from Columbia today. Kevin Hall has ended his campaign for the SCGOP Chair. I've added the letter he sent out today, so that the reasons don't get confused...

Over the last week, I hoped and prayed I would not have to deliver this message. I am sad and deeply disappointed to let you know that, due to some recent health problems, I must withdraw as a candidate for Chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party.

A few weeks ago, I began to experience occasional shortness of breath and some tightness in my chest. I have been a runner all my life, so it never occurred to me that I might be having serious problems. In response, I tried to get a little more sleep and to eat better. Then on Wednesday of last week, the symptoms returned. However, this time it was obvious to me that something was seriously wrong. I was admitted to Providence Hospital in Columbia with chest pains and other symptoms of a heart attack. I stayed in the hospital a couple of days as I underwent a series of tests to determine my condition and the treatment options going forward.

I am relieved that I did not have a heart attack, but there are some heart-related issues that I will have to deal with in the weeks ahead. Given the uncertainty in store for me and my family, we know that I have to do what I don't want to do – step away from the campaign and leave the leadership of our party to others for the time being.

As disappointed as I am today, I want to thank you for the many kindnesses that you have extended to me and my family. Jamie and I and our kids have all been made better by your example of service and dedication. As sad as I am to have to step aside for now, in part because I believe that our campaign would’ve been successful, I will continue to play an active role in our party and for the conservative cause. I look forward to serving our party for many years to come.
Please keep up the fight, work together, and win together in 2010!
Kevin Hall

I feel bad for Kevin, and I hope everything goes well for him. He had a solid chance at winning the Chairmanship. I kinda feel like the guy who followed Forrest Gump around all the months that he was running. Gump finally quit, and the guy's reaction was "Now what do we do?".....

The answer to that is simple: we move on for now, and decide between Karen Floyd and Rick Beltram - unless someone else jumps in the race at the last second. Fortunately , that hasn't happened yet.

Good luck to Kevin, and I'm sure I'll see him around soon...


1 comment:

  1. We both hate it. Kevin is certainly in my prayers.
