Sunday, April 05, 2009

Nancy Harrelson Could Be the Luckiest Person Alive in Politics ...

What Everyone Can Learn From Nancy .....
Anyone who doesn't think that just a little bit of luck is needed in politics might want to read this post. I thought that Nancy Harrelson lucked out when she got a free ride to the General Election last fall when Gaty McLeod decided not to run... That was nothing compared to now.
Some of you might have heard of the passing of Marion Mayor Bobby Gerald recently. I met Gerald a few times, and I have mutual friends through working in Mullins. He seemed like a decent guy, and having been Mayor for 24 years, there will be a big hole in the local government. Bigger than you might think.
You see, Marion does have a Mayor Pro Tem, Bobby Davis, so there is someone running the Chicken Farm. But, here is the problem. The election for Mayor is Tuesday, April 14th, and there were only two people on the ballot - Bobby Gerald and - you guessed it - Nancy Harrelson !! Gerald was originally going to be kept on the ballot, except that his vote would not count, but that has been changed. Harrelson will be the only person on the ballot now.
To understand the unbelievability of this happening, he is a fact - Marion County doesn't have an organized Republican Party. The ballots there do not affliliate candidates by party, but it's well-known what party Nancy is with. So, barring an organized write-in campaign, there is a real chance that one of the Democratc Party's biggest strongholds will have a Republican mayor. It's not over yet - the Dems will not go quietly.....
With every post , we try to either make you laugh, inform you, or help you learn something. Today's lesson? If you don't run, you can't win. If you do run, you never know what can happen ..... Ask Nancy.


  1. Now what would happen if she was running again for Congress and two weeks before the election ole Jim croaked.

  2. MG, the straight Democratic vote would settle the race in the dead man's favor. Then they'd have to have a re-vote.

  3. Hey Earl, don't shatter a man's dream....
