Monday, April 20, 2009

Obama Asks His Cabinet to Do.... Nothing.

$100 Million Budget Cut? C'mon Guys ......
The news came out that Barack Obama has gone to his Cabinet, and asked them to stop chopping the budget of each of their agencies, in order to cut a whopping $100 million from the budget deficit. I had been so used to seeing 'B's when they talk about the budget, so I thought I misread it. But he's serious, and in that, we see just how unserious Washington is about cutting the budget deficit....
The numbers of just HOW LITTLE Obama was talking about are stunning. $100 Million is nothing in DC... It is 2/1000th of 1% of the $3.9 Trillion Federal Budget. You want it in real, everyday terms that you can relate to? Here it is.... If you made $75,000 a year that would be the equivalent of you cutting $1.50 from your annual budget. Obama is asking his cabinet to cut out a can of soda once a year. It's pathetic....
As usual, it's not REAL CHANGE, it's what it all looks like - an act to give off the appearance of fiscal responsibility. Wow, Homeland Security is going to buy all their paper in bulk, instead of at Office Max.... How about cutting those BS earmarks in half? There's a start. Here's my advice: the time for window dressing is over - do something REAL......


  1. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Nothing quite like them democrat bean counters..promises...promises Betty

  2. west_rhino10:10 AM

    How about a dose of oxyclinton for the foreign policy gaffes?
