Friday, April 03, 2009

Rocket Fuel In Baby Formula ??!!

Either Your Kid Will Get Sick, Or Become Like This Guy .....

Once again, I am hearing Joe Jackson's "Everything Give You Cancer" in my head. For all that is healthy and good in this world, there is always something bad for you too. This time, it's baby formula...

Testing by the Centers for Disease Control has found that inside of most baby formula, there are traces of Perchlorate. What is perchlorate? It's a chemical found in rocket fuel ! ZOOOOOM !! Now, there have been no links between it and any bith defects, but if you take like 10,000 time s anormal dosage, it can affect your thyroid and metabolism.

Of course, before you go and stop buying your baby Enfamil, here's another tidbit - perchlorate is in many drinkg water supplies, and it is counteracted by adding Iodine , which is added to both baby formula and water. So, you are probably safe - but that doesn't stop groups from trying to scare the crap out if you. So, after all this information, what have we learned? Nothing.


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