No, it's not the greatest picture, but Florence County doesn't get the front row seats very often... Welcome to one of the more interesting conventions in recent memory. It was time to go under the Jim Clyburn Pedestrian Walkway on 277 once again, and do my civic duty for the party. Changing of the guard was the theme today, with Karen Floyd unanimously being named the new SCGOP Chair my acclimation. Infact, only one of the statewide positions had more than one candidate. This could have been one of the great battles had Kevin Hall and Rick Beltram not dropped out. Still, the best part of today was the beginning of the 2010 battles for Governor and Guv Lite....
With four name candidates (and a few I have no idea who they are) already in for Governor, and that many for Lt. Governor, it's pretty safe to say that today was more interesting than next year will be. Clearly, some candidates will get traction, and some will slip and slide, and eventually drop out. Who will that be? Time will tell...I stayed pretty neutral with the sticker people, but when Karen Floyd herself slaps a sticker on you, you don't tear it off - it's bad for your career....
Let's start with the speeches - and lots of 'em...Mark Sanford was given a standing ovation by the delegates for his stand on spending the stimulus money. He clearly has changed his style with regards to the budget. He doesn't usually name names, but he listed all the Senators and Reps that voted against the new budget, and he mentioned Nikki Haley by name for her stand on roll call voting for the budget. hat leaves little doubt as to who he is hoping will win in 2010 in my mind.
As vocal as Sanford was, he was tame compared to Senator Lindsey Graham today. Lindsey is never one to back down from criticism, and he took on the hecklers from what he termed as Ron Paul's camp. The need for the GOP to return to the center and opening the tent was his theme, as well as Congressman Bob Inglis, who spoke of Jack Kemp for his five minutes. Judging by the crowd, i worry that Inglis could win the war in November, but lose the battle in June with the folks Upstate.
Next came the awards. I wish someone could explain two things to me: the criteria for who gets what award, and how I can get one of those puppies .... My mantle is kinda empty. At long last, came the elections. Floyd, Patrick Haddon, Charles Butler and Adam Piper are the new officers, and lets hope that with the diverse background we have in place, that tent can get bigger....
Speaking locally, there was a lot of action from the Florence County contingent. I think word has gotten out a bit that the Pee Dee Republicans have big plans, and it appears that the rest of the state's reception is a bit chilly right now. Ken Ard and Mitch Baroody didn't get the greatest round of applause at the start of both of their speeches. However, Mitch and Ken both did a great job on the stump. It wasn't enough to get Mitch elected, but he ran a great race. Adam Piper was just too strong statewide to beat today. Ken has a clean slate, a lot of time, and not the most bulletproof group of opponents. But the truth is that Florence cannot run South Carolina on it's own. We need to ally ourselves with other counties, and make a strong team for our candidates in the future. The chill will thaw once the misperception that the PDR is out for world domination goes away - but it has to be earned. It'll get there....Here's a few pics from today.....
Elfie and Ken's Kids get the word out....

No convention is complete without a seat full of flyers from candidates you already know everything about....

The Four Horsemen ride again! Yes, I cleanup pretty well when I have the time.....
Nice picture of the chair material
ReplyDeletenice picture of the four horseman also
ReplyDeleteYou have to start hanging out with a better class of people.
ReplyDeleteMike--overall this was a better convention than some you and I have been to. I think many local Republicans would have been happier if we could have changed one election outcome. But now the hard work really starts. We must keep our current Republican officeholders in office. The 2010 and 2012 will be very critical due to redistricting. The Democrat President and his cronies have made it clear they are going to try and break the back of the Republican party by targeting elections in the most Republican state in the union. Our work did not end on Saturday; this is just the beginning...teg
ReplyDeleteHoodlums ! Why do you think we hang at the Slough?? No one can find you there...
ReplyDeleteTEG your local republicans would had been in the running if they had a better coalition with the rest of the Sixth District and beyond. Somebody up north better start trying to build one or the rest of us will I promise you that. In fact it has already started. I still do not like the fact that the FloTown GOP changed their meeting date to coincide with several of us in the Sixth. They certainly had the right and I do not have a problem with it but would not had it been better to poll the other counties in close proximity. We have already done this. Why do you think Sumter, Clarendon, Calhoun,Willimasburg also Lee meet at different times. Its because we all go after the same speakers and when the bully on the block picks on you then you just gang up on that bully. Am I making any sense to the Pee Dee Republicans and Florence GOP. Is there any difference between the two. Now please understand we are all happy for your home to see so many people involved and the changes that were made. Sumter, Orangeburg, Charleston, Richland, Clarendon, Georgetown, Colleton, Bamberg, Berkeley, Calhoun and Dorchester are not Pee Dee and Williamsburg people do not consider themselves Pee Dee either. Your man could not even win Marion who probably do consider themselves part of the Pee Dee. Be careful up there we are not going away.
ReplyDeleteYou are right Mike we hang at the Slough because no one can find you there. Nice to see you and our Chairman yesterday. Of course Earl cant leave Earl out.
ReplyDeleteanon 119 First distict has similar issues, notions that Charleston will steam roller Berkeley, Dorchester, Georgetown and Horry.
ReplyDelete1:19 am.....Stop your worry...you are only thinking of your own power... and position...get over yourself... WE HAVE A COUNTRY TO SAVE...the meeting date was changed after a survey of the Florence county membership. Why would we ever ask other county parties when we should meet...the change was about getting more Florence County members at our meetings.. we are determined to move our local politics toward the GOP. The change was not about competing with you or anyone else for so called speakers. Oh we will have speakers,but they will not all be politicians...because we actually want new members, so we are going to try not to bore them to death. Some of us have decided to grow where God has planted us....and to apply what we have learned running real businesses in the real world to grassroots politics. Because grassroots,my GOP friend,is where the real power is. So get to work on your own grass roots...you have nothing to fear from Florence or the Pee Dee Republicans.... because together we can.
ReplyDelete1:19 am.....Stop your worry...you are only thinking of your own power... and position...get over yourself... WE HAVE A COUNTRY TO SAVE...the meeting date was changed after a survey of the Florence county membership. Why would we ever ask other county parties when we should meet...the change was about getting more Florence County members at our meetings.. we are determined to move our local politics toward the GOP. The change was not about competing with you or anyone else for so called speakers. Oh we will have speakers,but they will not all be politicians...because we actually want new members, so we are going to try not to bore them to death. Some of us have decided to grow where God has planted us....and to apply what we have learned running real businesses in the real world to grassroots politics. Because grassroots,my GOP friend,is where the real power is. So get to work on your own grass roots...you have nothing to fear from Florence or the Pee Dee Republicans.... because together we can.
ReplyDelete111 - calm down. Your opening sentence was a bit harsh. If 119 is who I think it was, it's someone with an extensive resume in the party who has done and given quite a bit.
ReplyDeleteYou're right it's about teamwork, but teamwork doesn't mean you get to jump in on Day One, have all the angles figured out and run over everyone else. Teamwork means give and take.
There were problems in Florence and it's no secret that I am quite pleased with the new direction in the FloGOP, but show down. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Harsh...boy you big time bloggers can really dish it out...but you surely can not take it...maybe I should have encluded a few ugly words to soften the truth..you will do well to get your own people in your counties working together without giving great consideration to what Florence county thinks or does. So Earl, who do you think is running over who...I think we are back to power and position again...in this world you either lead or get out of the the way.
ReplyDeleteTime for me to use the Bully Pulpit of my blog here for a minute.. No, not all Florence County Republicans are Pee Dee Republicans, but we are all Florence County Republicans. We have been a bit stagnant for some time, but that is changing. They are very excited to finally be breaking out and getting organized locally.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, we still need to be diplomatic and coalesive with the rest of the state, by teaming with the rest of the state. The statement needs to be "Florence County is Back - but we can't do it alone." You can get more Bees with Honey than Vinegar. Damn, I just drifted into BBQ talk again !! Rhino ???