Thursday, May 07, 2009

Even In Their Workplace, Congressmen Get Lost...

Congress Can't Find Their Way Around The Capitol Visitor's Center

Congressmen are clueless. How's that for a stunner? Thanks, that's tonight blog post. Have a great day, and come back tomorrow for the most insightful views in politics....

Yeah, we all know that many Congressmen couldn't find their way out of a paper bag with a lit match, but it's pretty pathetic when they can't get back to their own offices !! That's what's happening en masse with most of Congress and their new Capitol Visitor Center - the massive 580,000 square foot addition to the Capitol.

How bad is it? Here is a quote from Lost Congressman Gerry Connelly (D-Va.), " Right now, short of breadcrumbs, most of us get hopelessly lost in the cavernous facility. It's very easy to get lost, and we've got to do something about it so that it is very clear how you connect back to to the House. The sign for the tunnel leading to the Cannon Building is a piece of paper taped to the wall that someone printed out. That's just not adequate."

Translation? WAAAAAAAAHHHHH !! I'm a friggin idiot who can't find my way around my own job site, and I can't even read a sign that tells me HOW to get back. How pathetic is that? Some members are requesting that they add GPS for the CVC onto their Blackberry's. Continue on for 20 feet.... open door...... enter your office.... sit at desk.... Very Good!

But, fear not - for every clueless Congressman, there is a committee and 16 government agencies that oversee the enterprise to make sure that every member can wipe their butt properly... In this case, it's the House Administration Committee and the CVC Director of Communications and Marketing. They are promising to do whatever it take sto get the dummies acclimiated to their new building - including new signs, GPS - whatever it takes. Here's a suggestion: how about taking about 20 minutes to SHOW them how to get around ?????



  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Mikey, if they're too busy twittering while walking to pay attention to where they're going, they're past LBJ's description of Gerald Ford, "couldn't fart and chew gum at the same time"

    OTOH to think that getting lost in Das Kapital was hailed as a sign of Strom Thrumond's senility, someone does seem to be covering for Teddy Kennedy and Robert Bird well.

  2. Anonymous11:46 AM

    they are lost to start with

  3. I picture a pack of mice, running around all over the maze, looking for that piece of cheese...
