Thursday, May 14, 2009

I Have Permission to Let the Cat Out of the Bag... Ken Ard Is Running For Lt. Governor

Ahhhhhhh !!!! Now I can finally let out what I've been holding in for the past two weeks. Locally, most of us knew for a while. But in case your only source of Pee Dee news is this blog, we'll finally spill the poop - Florence County Councilman and current County GOP Chair Ken Ard has resigned his chairman seat, and will be running for Lieutenant Governor. There, now you know....
Ard made it official at tonight's county meeting, and he will be publically announcing it tomorrow at Redbone Alley in Florence at 12:30 PM, and then the crew will be taking the show to the State Capitol steps at 400PM. From there, they will head to the Silver Elephant Dinner, where reportedly Ken will perform his one man Music/Magic/ and Variety Show. OK, I made up the last part. Ken can't sing worth a lick from what I'm told by his church members....
With Ard's entry and Ralph Norman's exit , the race for Guv Lite has certainly been muddled up even further. The current entrants are Ard, Bill Connor and Ted Pitts, but we could be far from over in this one. There's a lot of time left still, but Ken needed to get in early. Being impartial, he does have his work cut out for himself. The Q rating and clout of a County Councilman from Pamplico, SC aren't usually very high, so he needs to get his name out at every opportunity. The Chucktown and Greenville/Spartanburg machines have yet to either choose their guy/lady or throw their own person in yet. But, Ken does like to campaign, and he's pretty good at it in a downhome, folksy kind of way.
Now, am I in trouble for letting this out early? Nope. In fact, i got Ken's OK. He's no dummy. Chances are better now that you'll be there becuase of this, and we encourage you to get to know all the candidates before making up your mind - just like us. Secondly, I HAD TO post this, or else I might lose my street cred as the Dirt King of Flotown.. It wasn't easy to keep my trap shut. I was like Roger Rabbit during the 'Shave and a Haircut' scene... All nervous and twitchy.. I feel MUCH BETTER now..


  1. Rob W.9:43 PM

    Darn it! I'm the guy who guessed on your last post that Kris Crawford was going to run for Lt. Gov. My first guess that I thought to myself was "maybe it's Ken Ard who's running for Lt. Gov" but then I said, "nah". I should have went with my gut instinct! Can I still get partial credit?

  2. I dont know what to say

  3. Rob, not only will you get half-credit, but I'll split the prize with you... Where do I send the half-eaten Snickers Bar ????

  4. If Ken wants to win, you better be saying "Our guest tonight is Lt Gov. candidate Ken Ard". A lot.. Right?

  5. cant wait to get him to Clarendon

  6. I guess your post made made them realize perhaps it would be good to inform people of the secret so that someone would show up. SCNow has an article that came up a little while ago containing his press release.

  7. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Geez the Maggie Glover idea sounded intriguing...

  8. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Wait...Ralph Norman is out? Thats good news but I haven't heard that. Ard, Connor and Pitts would all make great Lt. Guvs.

  9. That is the word yesterday from a person who wishes to remain a State Representative... Actually, Ralph never officially was in, so him dropping isn't too big a shok. He just kinda stuck his toe in the water....

  10. Seen Cahaly a hour ago when we were checking into the Hilton here in Columbia. He was wearing the sticker for Ard. Reckon he is going to run the campaign for him. He wanted me to come to the 430PM press deal here in the capital. Told him I did not want to be percieved as a Pee Dee Republican member. I do wish him well.

  11. Yesiree, Cahaly is the man with a plan...
