Monday, May 04, 2009

Is Dr. Pepper's Secret Recipe Out ?

Life is all about timing.... Being in the right place at the right time - and recognizing the opportunity as it presents itself. Take Bill Waters as an example. Bill was scrounging through an antiques store in Shamrock, Texas, when he stumbled upon a dusty, old ledger with a bunch of unrecognizable recipes in it.

Well, after some research, he realized that he had stumbled onto the ledger from the original pharmacy where Dr. Pepper was invented. Included in the ledger is a recipe for a D. Peppers Pepsin Bitters .... Has the secret Dr. Pepper recipe, only known by three employees, been let out of the bag? Who knows....

What they do know is that the handwriting is 120 years old, and almost illegible. After all, it was written by a pharmacist... They also expect the ledger to grab between $50,000-75,000 at auction. Waters paid $200 for it.... Nice! I've been able to read from the ledger is this: "Seltzer, syrup, mandrake root, sweet flake root........ tastes pretty shitty."

Some things never change. Is it just me, or does it look like they filmed this commercial in Downtown Latta?




  1. "I had a Mr. Pibb. Mr. Pibb is a replica of Dr. Pepper, but it's the lame replica because the dude didn't even get his degree. Why'd you have to drop out and start making pop so soon?"

    "They say the recipe for Sprite is lemon and lime. But I tried to make it at home; there's more to it than that. "Want some more homemade Sprite?" "Not 'til you figure out what the fuck else is in it!"

    -Mitch Hedberg

  2. west_rhino12:10 PM

    I'll stick to Blenheim's pale dry #3 and put it up against Red Stripe Ginger Beer any day, thought eth Red Stripe is sometimes easier to find.

    Still like my tag for #3, "It'll scorch your nosehairs"

  3. that stuff is hot W_R

  4. west_rhino11:10 AM

    Yes moye, #3 has always been hot, almost medicinally hot, but sooo good with jerk chicken, real jerk chicken.
