Sunday, May 17, 2009

Not ANOTHER Montauk Monster ....

Another Year, Another Scam...

It's Sunday, so we're going to skip politics today. There's not much in the news today, and I'm a bit politicked out this week... You feeling the same? So, I decided to clear out some of the stories I've been collecting lately...

You might remember the Montauk Monster last year probably. I posted on the thing that washed ashore on the East End of Long Island last Summer. While no official determination was ever made on it (it was a dog!), the stupid drama that came with it was better than the beast itself. We'll, it's back.

This week, another animal washed up on Southhold Beach, which is on the North Fork of Long Island. So, the hysteria that was here last year has started all over again - sort of. Seriously, if you can't tell that this is a dog, and more specifically, a dog like a boxer, then you are an idiot. You can see the jowls !! But, here is the point to consider: Long Islanders will do ANYTHING to be famous, or even on TV for a day... I have two words for you - Joey Buttafuoco.

You see, Long Island is ...... uh..... AN ISLAND !!!! It's surrounded by water, so lots of people have boats. They go out on the Great South Bay or the Long Island Sound, and they bring Rover on the boat. Rover sees a seagull flying by, chases it, and ends up drowning. The owner isn't going to call the police or the ASPCA and tell them about it, so a dog washes up onshore every once in a while.....

In case you already have a life, and aren't familiar with the Montauk Monster, here is a pretty good blog on it. As far as us, I think we've squeezed every ounce of juice out of this one...



  1. I have a project at Riverhead for Conoco Phillips. Some real monsters off shore there.

  2. Anonymous10:26 AM

    It does look a little like Jimmy Hoffa

  3. You may have something there, Anon... When is the DNA test?
