Sunday, May 03, 2009

SC6 Remembers Jack Kemp...

It's been a tough week for moderate Republicans. First, Arlen Spector changes parties, then Justice Souter steps down. Today, we get word that Former Congressman, HUD Secretary, VP Candidate and AFL Quarterback Jack Kemp has passed away from cancer. He was 73.
If you ever needed a blueprint on how to be a real compassionate conservative, Jack Kemp was the example. Spending a decade with minorities while he played football clearly had an impact on how he viewed politics. He was the brainchild of the inner-city Enterprise Zone, which gave tax breaks for businesses to build in decaying areas.
For those more consrevative members of the GOP out there, here is where Kemp earned his credibility.. Jack Kemp was father of supply-side economics. He was the one who, after years of trying, was able to finally convince Ronald Reagan that tax cuts eventually create revenue increases. So, the policy that everyone refers to as Reaganomics is actually Kemponomics. But that's how Kemp did it - from the sidelines. He never ran for Senator or Governor of New York, although if he did, he likely could have won.
He was animated, tough and combative. He was the perfect foil for the sometimes dour Bob Dole, but 1996 was a bad year for running for President. With his passing, the search for a new moderate Republican voice in DC goes on.


  1. He was a good man

  2. It's a shame his career ended up with one term as HUD Director and the Veep candidate in 1996. His ideas were certainly larger than those roles.

    He will be missed.

  3. west_rhino2:34 PM

    As with Reagan's and Goldwater's passings, we must quit whining that one is more the bearer of the Reagan, Goldwater or Kemp mantles and simply lead using their greater principles.

    Moderate GOP exists and it is in DC, though as relative is presented, it is too oft chided as being extreme.

  4. Hey Rhino, I'm not whining..... I'M NOT WHINING !!!!!!!!!
