Sunday, May 31, 2009

There's No Excuse For Arlen Spector Today..

SC6 Is Disgusted With Something About Spector On Fox This Morning ...

We went after Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Spector last month for switching parties last month. In our opinion, he really wanted to try and salvage his job - not that he's a real Democrat, even though that's where started out in the 60's. But, after today, there can be no doubt that whether you are a Republican or Democrat, that it may be time for Spector to retire....

Was it something that he said today? Not really. He and Lindsey Graham were discussing the Sotomayor nomination today. Graham surprised me in two ways: first, he seems pretty set against approving her for the Supreme Court. But the odd part on Graham's part is that it sounds like he really would like to be on SCOTUS. Twice he said that Sotomayor's life experience doesn't make her a better nominee than himself. Twice...

Now onto Spector... What is it that has us at SC6 so outraged? His tie. His UGLY, UGLY TIE !!!! I often get compliments for having nice ties on the rare occasions when I do dress up. I don't know if he got this tie as a gift and he felt obligated to wear it, or if he picked it himself, but this is the worst tie I've ever seen.... Don't believe me? Here is the clip.

I ask you, is that not the ugliest, fugliest tie you have ever seen in your life? It looks a game of Tetris, or the sign your TV makes when the station stops programming at 3AM. Dressing as a Senator is easy. Your only allowed to wear Black , Navy Blue or Dark Gray suits - it's the law. I think it's even listed in the Constitution, but maybe not. The shirt is either white, or light blue, if your feeling really spunky that day. So really the only way to truly express yourself is with your tie. Arlen Spector made a statement today. He said to all of America, "I have NO TASTE".

If there ever was a reason for him to be voted out, this is it !



  1. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Mike--we already know he has no taste he switched parties for a perceived easier re-election bid. Tasteless is the kindest word you could start with.
    As far a Lindsey goes,he would be a better nominee than Sotomayer and some might think there are others better than him. The point of the comment was a flippant back hand at Sotomayor's qualifications. It was artfully done.

  2. I know, Anon.. but THE TIE!!!! What about the tie?? I mean, Geez !!!

  3. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Ok..Mike you hooked me are so right the tie is an ugly made me dizzy...but this blog post will not break any records.

    Now the Senator Graham remark.. hmmm...SCOTUS....interesting.....
    I believe it was just the Senators artful way of saying "white man" without having to say "white man" because he is a "white man".
    You really did not think he would vote for Sotomayor...remember the democrats changed the play book during the last 8 always vote against the other sides nominations....but she will not need his vote. Betty

  4. westy_rhino12:21 PM

    Maybe Spector could, one he loses the election, become the new Enzyte and Sham-Wow spokesman...

  5. That's who he looks like - that guy with the Ugly Suits and the glasses that pitches all the free crap you can get from the government !! WTF is his name?

  6. Matthew Lesko.

    And yep...that tie is pretty damn ridiculous. But then again, so is Arlen at this point. Afterall, he switched parties in an effort to survive, then set about intentionally trying to alienate Democrats.

    Savvy, Arlen. Real savvy.

  7. Thanks,P-Luv, and welcome back to Flotown. In New York, we have a better word - Chutzpah !

  8. Anonymous4:00 PM

    I think you need to take that tie and come tie me up, Mike. Get manly on me, baby.

  9. I'll bring my own ties.. I'm afraid that if I use Spector's , you'll go blind !

  10. Why dont we have a ugly tie contest

  11. First, I don't have any ugly ties. Secondly, an Ugly Tie Contest is one of those things you just don't get into..
