Saturday, May 02, 2009

Time For A Partisan Blog Post.....

Just a quick observation on politics and being tempered when voting. One issue voting groups are idiots, and should never be listened to. The same goes for lobbyists. I'm driving back home from the Post Office, and I'm behind a cra with one of those "I'm Voting For Kids" bumper stickers. At first , I thought they mean they were trying to elect a bunch of elementary school kids to public office. Of course that's illegal.....

Of course, it was a ploy from the Education Establishment, which lives and dies on Big Government, and hence, why they should not be trusted. But, it's awfully hard to not want to vote for little kids, like we're taking food from their mouths.. But, try to look at it in bigger terms than just 2009.

We've been saying for about six months that the economy would begin rebounding in the Spring, and by Summer, a slow recovery would begin - all without any Economic Stimulus. The numbers seem to suggest that I was right as usual. They a bit mixed, but many signs are there to prove the worst is over. thank you very much.

Since the stimulus has yet to even be implemented hardly at all yet, you have to ask the question: how thoughtful to our kids is it to saddle them in unrecoverable debt and increased taxes that WILL COME to sustain the kind of spending that you just voted for? Real life is more than just a bumper sticker slogan... There will always be a need to educate our kids - it is important, but don't listen to the NEA for advice. Vote like you're drinking responsibly - moderation, folks!



  1. graham slough mg11:06 PM

    I would drink responsible but since I was abducted by Aliens I have not been able to.

  2. Anonymous11:40 PM

    You are right Mike...the bumper stickers were distributed at your local public schools to the little kids...message... We got ourselves a big play house not rock the boat....while SC state funding has been slashed...the big cuts have come to class rooms..where there is no paper and no ink, and the classes can just be made larger. It is time for big change in public education...we are not getting enough bang for our tax bucks...we owe the children much more than they are getting from this system and we could deliver it with county wide consolidation of school districts...all accross this great state. Send some administrators home or back to a class room...Put the money in the classroom!!! It is time that every student in each county has the same chance at a good education.
    It matters much more than you think...we currently pay twice as much a year to incarcerate one inmate than we do to educate one student...County wide consolidation would be good for everybody.

  3. No, no. The point wasn't to complain about school spending, but that those who voted for Obama to improve schools ended up getting all this other excessive spending for other stuff.

    County consolidation would make it more effective and efficient. However, the people in charge want nothing to do with it.
