Tuesday, May 26, 2009

We'll Be Better Off To Let This One Pass.....

Sonia Sotomayor Gets Ready to Graduate to the Supreme Court ..
Time to break out The Art of War by Sun Tzu, my fellow Republicans. You see, there are times to really battle to the death on things, and other times where it is good to pick and question, to make a point, then let things slide. The upcoming confirmation of Judge Sonia Sotomayor isn't going to be one of those times to go to war....
Watching as this has been going on, it's pretty apparent that the GOP will not be able to derail her confirmation to SCOTUS. Yes, she has some tendencies to favor affirmative action. She is not the most conservative judge out there. She is in favor of allowing abortion. But, she is not the die hard liberal that maybe some conservatives had been hoping that Barack Obama would pick. She will go left most of the time, but she has had a history of some moderate rulings in her 17 years on the bench.
There is a small bit of irony here, she is replacing David Souter, who was appointed by Bush 41. Sotomayor was appointed to the Court of Appeals by - you guessed it - Bush 41. So, we're losing a justice who we thought would be conservative, but was a bit liberal, for a justice who is thought to be a bit liberal - maybe she'll go center too. Probably not, but....
So, why not take the battle to Sotomayor? Uhh, it's called widening the tent, folks! Puerto Ricans are in many ways like Cubans - they can be towards the conservative side, due to their strict Catholic upbringing. But, if they feel that 'one of their own' is being attacked by a certain party, then they will revolt en masse. Sotomayor is one of their own. The lady grew up in the projects. Barack Obama would love nothing more than to be on the Supreme Court, but he's got that Presidential gig going on right now, so he did the next best thing - he picked someone with his own resume....
I couldn't find a clip, but here is Sun Tzu's theory, as told by Bud Fox....
"Sun-tzu: If your enemy is superior, evade him. If angry, irritate him. If equally matched, fight, and if not split and reevaluate. "


  1. Anonymous11:49 PM

    This has to be one of your worst blog entries yet! Why should the GOP oppose this nomination? Because she admitted that the job of a judge is to legislate from the bench! I myself am very conservative but I do support some moderate GOPers because I realize we have to in some instances. But I don't believe you are welcome in this party if you support a judge that is a judicial activist that doesn't believe in the rule of law.

  2. Well no reason to tell the both of you to calm down some. I believe there are a lot worse choice that O can make. She may turn out to not be quite the Liberal everyone was expecting. She has never wrote on her Abortion belief as official. She is a Latino Female and we just took a hit in the GOP. We are not just one nation and one people whether we want to think that or not. Our party is certainly having problems coming to a common ground. We need our fiscal conservative side. We also need to quit trying to legislate moral and social issues. Our families and church should be responsible for that not a party.

  3. Thanks, Moye, for stating the sensible reasons for why goin goverboard on Soromayor is fruitless, and countreproductive. If you check the time on my comment, you'll see that my time to answer was a bit tight.

    I pretty much know who left the first comment, so I felt that my comment was approrpiate to squelch the thought that I am at the mercy of a select few. I have the bully pulpit built out of five years of sensible political knowledge, and I CAN make or break people inside the GOP - and they know it.

    Use you brains, not your balls, and you'll have both to play with in the future...

  4. Mike, I like that last sentence. It reflects true wisdom. You have learned well, grasshopper.

    Seriously, I think we need to have a discussion about who she is and where she is coming from on judicial matters.

    As politics is often about perception, not reality, the smart thing would be to ask two questions - first, what can be gained by fighting a particular nomination and second, what is the return on investment?

    In some cases, we've picked winning fights and gotten Obama to back off nominees, but the reality is that if we stop one flaming liberal, we're not going to get a staunch conservative.

    So if we launch a fight that is costly politically and fails to stop her, then what's the point? If we launch a fight that is costly politically, it stops her candidacy and then an equally-liberal appointee makes, then again, what's the point?

    In the business world, they ask these questions all the time. You'd think the kookier of the conservative activists, as much as they claim to be all about business, would actually show some business-like acumen in all of this.

  5. I was proud of it to, Earl. I thought it was a Haiku, but it didn't fall into the 5/7/5 guidelines. I guess I could modify it..

    Thanks for trying to make sense to some people as to why this is a waste of energy after a certain point, and detrimental after that. Theory of Diminishing Returns....

  6. Best of Luck on that one. ;) See all the hell that would break loose on everything, and you can trace it all back to this post/comment, and your big blustering mouth. Then see where you end up... I've been quiet and played nice. My advice is for you to do the same.

  7. Damn Mike. What we gonna do. I so scared.

  8. Moye, you, Earl, Toomy and I are gonna have to get on a boat and ship back to Mexico or Africa....

    BTW, I forgot - Anon, I would love for you to state that position to Glenn McCall. Also, where in Timmonsville do I send the hoods ya'll sent me back to? There's no forwarding address....

  9. It is said that the Republican party has a big tent. Unfortunately the tent still has dividers and a do not enter sign. Which is rather odd because the roots of the party were much different.

    The goal of any political party is to win elections. There is nothing else that matters.

    Yes we have principles. Yes they are important but so does the Democratic party and their liberal wing. Guess who is getting their will done. That's right, the victors. The ones that won the elections. They get to decide my children's future because we don't have the numbers to win anymore.

    Since I value my children's future more then I do your principles I side with people that wish to include more like minded people. What's wrong with having more people that support what we do? Nothing.

    In closing, You either expand the base (meaning including other people then your mirror image.) or you keep losing elections. Which makes you a true loser. No political party can afford losers in their ranks. It's not a good principle to live by. Either grow or die by inches and fade into obscurity.
    Winning is by far much better. You get to have nice parties and victory balloons.

  10. Anonymous2:50 PM

    You need to learn to sign your name on your post. I am going to call you out here because, in my humble opinion...you are way out of line above. I don't know who you are but if you are going to say things like that you need to be willing to put your name behind them. The FCGOP welcomes and encourages people of all races, religions and genders in to our party. We are not a party of exclusion. Infact, the National committeeman from SC is an African American male as is the head of the national RNC. Glenn McCall and Michael Steel are fine men and are assets to the GOP. I challenge your comments and ask that whomever you are that you withdraw your post above as you do not represent the opinions of the majority of the FCGOP. I disagee with you on your comment that people who don't agree should "crawl in a hole"...that is not politics or democracy that I intend to or want to be involved with. What makes this country great is the fact that we can disagree openly and we can debate issues and vote our opinions. Just because someone doesn't agree with you 100% of the time does not necessarily make them a bad person(nor does it make anyone the names you have used above)...that is what the world is about. Agreeing to disagree! Annon, you need to grow up and think before you post something like that. Realize YOU and the attitude displayed in your post above are infact what is wrong with the GOP. Think before you post from now on.

    Stephanie M. Rawlinson
    FCGOP Executive Committeewoman

  11. Steph, thanks for stepping in , and trying corral the rogue element. You are a classy babe, and I credit you being proactive.

    Ranger, welcome to SC6, your comments are good to hear and positive - and I like the balloons too !

    Moye, I get the feeling you'd cut the rope on someone waterskiing if you didn't like them. Lake Marion is pretty big..... a person could get lost!

  12. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Mike-as I read some of these caustic remarks aimed at you,Earl,Moye and myself I am reminded that in politics everyone is entitled to their political opinion regardless of how ill-informed;poorly concieved,uneducated and total void of facts or logical reasoning it may be. Secondly,when a person is elected to a leadership position there will always be nay sayers who are totally lacking in leadership ability but are first to critize for the sole reason as to hear the sound of their own babble. I have more important things to concern myself with like helping promote Ken Ard for Lt. Governor; completing our webpage and facebook pages;promoting our various county parties and helping the smaller and newer organizations to start to grow;and raising funds for our party and our candidates.
    Also, I want to thank Stephanie Rawlinson for her comments. I called Stephanie and brought this to her attention because I anticipated this could cause divisions which are healing.
    Finally, to Annon;if you think that you can do a better job than the current leadership I invite you to run when I stand for re-election in 2012. We've got serious problems, and we need serious people, and if you want to talk about leadership, you'd better come at me with more than racist retoric and bigoted out-dated ideas. If you want to talk about character and American values, fine. Just tell me where and when, and I'll show up. This is a time for serious people, Anonymous and your fifteen minutes are up. My name is Tom Grimes and I am your SC District Chairman.

  13. I have 30 years of computer experience. I've been on the cutting edge of technology for 25 years. I had one of the first modems which was a 150-300 baud modem. You could read the text as it came in. I've been on the INTERNET scene since it was the INTERNET and available to consumers. I had one of the first High speed INTERNET connects in town. That's my background.

    Why did I give so much information? SO I could give an unbiased opinion. Annon is what we call a troll. Someone that posts comments just to start a fight-commotion. Just for the sake of it. This troll has accomplished the tolls Holy Grail which is to start a fire and leave. His/her mission is done. The biggest clue is his/her attack. It's non-defensible. It's an argument that he/she can't win. They know this. They said what they wanted and left.

    Everyone is free to do as they chose but my humble opinion is to NOT respond to their idiotic rhetoric more then it needs to be.

    I think we have reached that point where more back and forth just serves their purpose. Let it die a quick death.
    Because in the end this is a war that they can't win. Being a more inclusive party is something that they can't stop. Not at all. It's just a matter of time.

    Ron McGill

  14. Yeah, I think we've gone full circle here... I'm about out of talking points and insults...

  15. When Republicans start winning elections again then they can choose whom that want to nominate. Until then we have to take what we've given.
    Remember this : Losers don't choose. They get to bitch and moan about the winners choices.

    Ron McGill

  16. I'm going to disagree with you on one point, Buzz - respectfully, of course. Even when I win, I still bitch and moan most of the time. Ask my bosses.....

  17. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Mike, I came late to this party, Looks like you have been busy. Here is a quote from Dr.Thomas Sowell.

    "Even if her confirmation cannot be stopped, it is important for Senators to warn of the dangers, which will only get worse if such nominations sail through the Senate smoothly."

    You can read the entire article at:

    Principles do matter and they should not change to win elections...they also do not have a skin color.

    The Democrats always bring the fight and they never forget who they are.

    If we are ever going to win again we will need to remember who we are. We will not win by imitating the liberals. Who would ever want an imitation when you can have the real thing...I think we found that out in the last election.

    Conservatism wins every time it is truly tried. The GOP Tent is BIG enough for every skin color and every race.

    We will lose on this Judge, but we should declare her liberal. I agree with,Tom,Stephanie,and Ron.

    Betty Dowling
    Chairperson, Bylaw Committee
    Florence County GOP

  18. 1116 - I don't know what to say other than "wow, dude - get help".

    Stephanie - I know we've talked before and I think you and your team have great potential, but I've learned a long time ago not to let the kooks get me riled up. You should relax and do the same.

    Besides, it's much more fun to make fun of crazy people - and duck when they drive by your house and open fire :)

    Politics is a contact sport, but it's also about endurance. Calm down a little, dig in and work at it and when it's all said and done, the good guys are usually the last ones standing. Doing the right thing and being loyal to your team is what gets people's attention, not rush-to-the-barricades responses that state what most people already know to be true.

  19. A huge problem with principles are the people behind them. Too many people are hypocrites.

    Too many people say we have a big tent and that all people of like minded intent are welcome.
    Skin color not being an issue.

    Unfortunately I've heard those same people state in an open meeting, the exact opposite. "That coloreds should not be allowed in the party that it should be for white people only".

    How one reconciles that paraphrased statement with their Christian principles is beyond my kin.

    I'll leave that to GOD and themselves. I've my own foibles to answer to GOD for.

    My point being is I don't want that kind of principle in the GOP. I don't want that kind of person with a warped historical rose colored glasses view. The GOP was created by people who simply did not agree with that belief system. It's the exact opposite.

    I'm inclined to believe that a America ruled by a Constitution inspired by GOD, is preferable to a theocracy governed by ill principled people.

    I have to state again that your principles matter not if you do not win elections. You become nothing more then an cult after a while.

    I prefer the GOP not become a cult of personality just to satisfy certain groups principles.

    Last but certainly not least:
    We're not Dixiecrats. Stop trying to resurrect that dead party and it's principles. Stop trying to make the GOP the new Dixiecrats.

    Ron McGill

  20. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Now that all of this is been said, Let's move on to more important things...teg

  21. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Earl, I thought the point of a blog was to get traffic...looks like Mike succeeded(thanks mister annono-moose who ever you are)

    Stephanie- I love your spunk.

    Ron-Read that Republican creed again, it is full of principles, and so is the constitution, I for one am not willing to fore go them for any bodies vote and I have stood for election twice. Yes, elections have consequences...and we will be living with that for 4 years..You will never see a democrat roll over and play dead for a republican majority....back to the judge...the minority has its roll to play...and play we must.

    Mister annon, come on in to the real world where all men are created equal by GOD not government. Let go of the past..I promise you the water is fine!


  22. Betty - point taken. Mike's done it in spades :)

    I think these Pee Dee Republicans are the best thing to happen for the GOP in the region in a long time. But as long as the energy is focused, they can be a great asset to the GOP team.

    It sure would be nice to have the FloGOP actually helping the big picture for a change. This bunch is the best shot we've had at that in a long time.

  23. Anonymous3:31 PM

    So Mike we gonna set a record here or not. Look the guy is a kook. No one in the GOP wrote that harsh comment. If wanting to open this party up to people of different color, race, religion, national origin or sex is wrong then that is what I want to be. I am as Conservative as I need to be. We lost because we spent too much money and people are scared and voted with their pocketbook. I will always say we cannot write laws to control moral responsibility or ethics. We also cannot pass laws to side with one religion over another. I believe we are fighting a war over that now.

  24. Are we having a Cumbaya Moment here, 'cause I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy !! Must be the heat ...

  25. Anonymous6:10 PM

    annon 3:31
    All laws are inforcement of moral responsiblilty....civilized people will always have laws to protect one person from another....the big question is whose morals will they legislate?

    What you seem to want is freedom from religion....I am sorry,the constitution does not promise any of us that.

    Yes Republicans lost because they started acting like liberals spending tax dollars like drunken sailors...which is an insult to a sailor...because at least sailors are spending their own money.

    Mike what is the record?

  26. On a legitimate post? I'm not sure.. I know I had one with 46 comments, but most of them were spam attacks for pharmaceuticals... Lemme check.

  27. It took me over 2 hrs., but I buzzed thru the blog, and the highest one I had was 55 comments, although it was mostly spam. The highest post is October 24, 2007 - when I brought up the impending Kenney Boone - Jimmy Gregg Sheriff's race. That one had 35 comments, so you're within striking distance .....

  28. Mike did you know I may have been abducted by Aliens on Lake Marion one night. I am going back on the water very soon.

  29. Now you're just making stuff up to get to 36 comments !!

  30. Moye Graham11:10 PM

    I do want to be serious here for a moment since it is too windy to get out on the water this late and I cannot see too good. The person who put up the bad remarks in one way caused a few of us to communicate between GOP people who have different views. I can handle my name out there. I agree that Pee Dee GOP has made the Florence GOP a more involved party and that is good. I also hope that both can keep the people interested for years to come. As I told several of the leaders up north I 95 that this is an exciting time for you guys. I envy you in a way. All this new stuff making decisions that will affect all of you in your area. Meeting new people and trying to work with the seasoned veterans. Having one of your own running for Lite Gov. Just down right trying to do the right thing and making Florence a leader among the SCGOP. This is good stuff. Have fun. While politics is serious it is also a game. You play to win. We cannot as a party keep fracturing or we will continue to lose elections. If anyone thinks just putting a Conservative label to ones name will guarantee a victory in SC or the USA is like trying to view the sun through stained glass windows. It may look good but it aint real.

  31. Betty, I laughed so hard I wet my kilt when you typed that I should re-read something.

    People can read a document and get totally different ideas from the same words.

    Needless to say the Constitution is a wonderful document. As are the Bill of Rights. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are by far some of the most important documents ever written by and for man.

    I do not believe that the Constitution is a living doc. I don't think that it should change to fit the times nor people. That's why we had amendments with strict rules on changing it.

    Having said all of that I'm in a political party for the people. NOT documents. Especially party platforms. They are living docs. They do change. They are subject to interpretation and changes. I do not run my life by what a rules committee decided to write. I use them as guideline not scripture.

    To do otherwise is to lose your humanity and GOD given right to choose a path that is best for you and yours. The pursuit of Happiness I think it's called. Which just might be in one of those documents that we just spoke about.

    Anytime I'm told to read party rule I'll wet my kilt from laughter.

    It usually means that the person has no viable discussion points so out comes the rulebook. It's like being told if you don't play by my rules I'm going to take my football home. Which is fine by me because I too have a football and people want to play with it.

    Once more,I'm not interest in a theocracy nor a party lead by dogma. I'm more interested in a strong political party which has diverse points of view while also coming together in a unified voice to WIN elections. You do not have give up principles to win elections.

    People will seldom elect anyone to a position of power when it's clear that a persons principles are more important that the voters well being.

    Since it's a politicians job is to represent all citizens in their area. NOT JUST THE ONES THAT AGREE WITH THEM OR THEIR PRINCIPLES. To only represent your beliefs is an injustice to the voters and the system. Any politician who forgets this is a failed politician no matter how many attempts are made to secure higher office.

    To only accept people based upon your principles means you are not a political party. It means you're a political club. If the goal is to run on a narrow set of principles without ever deviating then you are a political club. IF LOSING IS OK AS LONG AS YOUR PRINCIPLES DID NOT CHANGE then you are a political club.

    True politician know that you have to reach a consensus among voters to win.

    You have to do what's in the best interest of as many people as possible. Not just your like minded friends.

    Being a politician means comprising with others of different view points and principles. Otherwise you don't win. IF you don't win, what the point in running. It's a waste of time and resources.

    Again the only reason for being in a political party is to help them WIN ELECTIONS. Losing is not an option that allows your principles to be enacted. You gotta win to get in. IF you are not in, neither are your principles.

    IT has been a very long day so goodnight and GOD bless.

    Ron McGill
    King of the Umpa Lumpas and holder of the party favors & balloons

  32. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Ron, I would tell you to calm down, but I hate it when Earl does it...so I will tell you to change your Kilt.(lol)

    I do not ever want to be a true politician Ron, us real folks hate them....those are the guys in charge as we speak...
    looking out for themselves instead of the people.

    We are a representative government. As for me, I choose a candidate whose principles look like mine, based on his history of behavior and his words...knowing he should vote his conscience. Trusting he will make choices based in his known principles and not the loudest voice..screaming for attention.

    As an elected official you have no way to know what the majority of the community thinks on any given issue. You study the issue, articulate your point of view, and vote...then you live with it.

    I did not win the Florence County District #4 Council Seat, I did not lie, cheat or steal in the process either(just a few of my principles)....but I did not lose... my neighbors did. I can live with it..and unlike lots of politicians who have tried and lost.. I have not taken my football and gone home.

    Because my purpose in running was to serve my community, not gain power for myself, I continue to look for ways to better serve my community.I sincerely believe organizing communities is how we will win.( and I am doing that)

    I strongly suggest the public school board as a starting place for anyone who is interested in public service. You talk about down and dirty ground floor politics. In this county we have duplication of services five times(that is about power not education)...76-80% of your property tax dollars go to public schools....only 44 cents on the dollar arrive in the class room..our graduates are not prepared for college..and they are not prepared for anything else either. The state needs county wide school districts...and we need it now. It is the only way there will be "no child left behind in SC".

    I was elected to the Florence County District Four School board in 2005. I served a three year term. I never missed a meeting. I never missed a vote. I always voted my conscience,according to my principles.

    Ron you said,
    "A huge problem with principles are the people behind them. Too many people are hypocrites."

    Well Ron, I say, everyone is a hypocrite...and everyone has principles even murderers and thugs...the real question is whose principles will win the day.
    This is the real struggle in both political parties. I hope the people are joining both parties all
    accross this great land and working to make them both better. The real winner will be our country. God save us all.

    Mike are we there yet?


  33. We are now.. Betty, this may be a bit sexist, but I think you'll find the humor in this ... Women can be good candidates too !!

  34. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Well Mike, this women is a real good loser... but an even better school board member!!!

    I should be writing on my own blog..oh well....
    Woo Hoo!!!! you got a new record to new to beat,Betty

  35. Hemingway Fan12:02 PM

    Have been looking at all the post with my department. Not at Taxpayer expense. It has been awhile. We have reiviewed this very closely along with past comments and postings on your blog. The conclusion is we are not sure. At first we all thought that the remarks that set this off was written by a female, middle age or older, someone that knows you and recognizes some of your frequent guests. We feel sure that the person that posted said remark has also posted at least one maybe more comments since then on this article. We also believe that we have cleared you Mike, Moye and Earl as not being the person that posted the ill fated remark that started this going. We still tend to believe it is female, white, very local person and middle age or older and a person that is a member of your local party with the consenus being about 60 % sure. The other 40 % being white, male, very intelligent and someone close to home meaning Florence county. Not very clear is it. See you online.

  36. Betty please forgive me if you thought I was speaking of you. I actually had the doctor that basically killed my mother back in Oct of last year. I don't want to get too much into it but I'll say that her actions were unprofessional at the least and negligent without question. So any anger you might have sensed was not directed at you. I was very tired and thinking 10 different things at the time at which the anger may have seeped in. Again it was not meant to reflect upon you.

    I know for a fact that we have more in common that we do that separates us. We don't agree on everything nor should we.
    I respect the fact that you ran for higher office twice. Which is not something that I have an interest in but I do understand the sacrifices you made to run.

    In closing Betty please understand that when you and I disagree it's because we both have our own viewpoints are believe in them. You will defend yous as I will mine. When I think you're wrong I'll let you know which I expect in return. My goal would be a working solution to the problems that confront our party and country because I know that we both want that which is best for our children and fellow humans. So please accept my humble apologies if you misconstrued my intent. It was not my intent to offend you or to imply that I was speaking of you.

    Thanks for your input and the Kilt is drying as we speak.

    Ron McGill
    King of the Oops I did it again tribe.

  37. I KNEW you were a closet Britney Spears fan, Ron !!

    HF, that was about as clear as Moye's decription of you at the Striped Bass Festival - "a tall guy with a cop outfit on."

    Or perhaps, like some of the composite sketches that come out of the PD every now and then. I've had my next door neighbor improperly thrown in jail 26 times already !! We're not speaking right now - well, he LOOKS like a criminal anyway.....

  38. Yea, I'd let her in my tent. LOL

    Ron McGill
    King of the Oh My GOD you didn't just say that band.

  39. Bill Clinton1:23 PM

    I did not have sex with that woman.

  40. bobby2:40 PM

    43 comments on this? oh...44 now, damn.

  41. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Now for the rest of the story.

  42. 46 now, Bobby.. This one has taken on a life of it's own..

  43. Anonymous5:53 PM

    All this chatter and Judge Sotomayor will still be confirmed!!! #47

  44. It just goes to show that it doesn't matter how much you talk about doing something, what matters is getting out and affecting change. Like all the yardwork I just completed while these comments were being made! :D

  45. Anonymous11:25 PM

    I guess Annon may not realize it yet but they just provoked something we have needed in this local party--dialouge. We talked and we talked openly and honestly (I hope)and maybe we all realized we can work together. Only time will tell. I hope to see you all this summer at the county meetings...teg

  46. Josh Lockhart9:49 PM

    Why should we oppose this confirmation?


    there are two ways to view the constitution, as a living document, or a document that must be viewed in the framers original intent. If the document is a living document, it effectively means nothing as it can simply be interpreted to mean what ever you want... sorta like the joke if you stick six people in a room with one bible verse, you will get 12 interpretations.

    Viewing the constitution as framers intent forces you to actually THINK about why such 'passages' where written. good example is seperation of church and state. TO most people today, simply having the 'in god we trust' on money says it violates the constitution, but separation that the Gov can not FORCE you to be Catholic, Methodist, Baptist etc, as was being done at the time in Europe.

    Framers intent vs living..

    Soda believes in a living document.. thats all you need as a conservative to oppose her.

    Her race should NEVER be an issue...

    And ANYONE that thinks we don't need other races in our party, or to think we just need to get the white people on our side needs to remove themselves from the party as they are not welcome...


    Josh Lockart

  47. Thanks for joining the conversation, Josh, and best of luck getting the Florence GOP into the 21st Century techwise.

    That puts us over 50 comments. WOW, and I didn't have to bring up BBQ to do it !!

  48. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Mike--I believe this thing has developed a life of its own...teg

  49. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I like the vinegar based BBQ

  50. Me too. The tarter , the better!!

  51. I will have some Saturday

  52. This comment section feels no pity. No pain. No fear. It is unstoppable.

  53. Was that Earl Capps..... or Reese from 'The Terminator'??

  54. Anonymous4:44 PM

    it was Reese

  55. Williamsburg county mg4:41 PM

    cant believe it is still going

  56. Anonymous3:54 PM

    and going

  57. Uh oh, it's not on the front page of the blog anymore.. Will we stay stuck at 61 ?

  58. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Mike--I will attempt to get the final word in, this was a great post you did. It allowed a number of people to express their opinions and concerns in a reasonable manner. There were a few remarks that some feel were uncalled for but for the most part we had a great dialouge that has been long in coming and much needed. Thank you to all who contributed, even you Anon7 and the offer still stands anytime you want to debate issues and character let me know and I will be there.
    Once again thank you all for your thoughts and your contributions...Tom Grimes SC6 District Chairman

  59. Sorry Tom, but it's my blog, and I get the last word, and that word is BOOBIES !!!!!
