Monday, June 15, 2009

The Axe Falls At Work Today...

Luckily, My Head Wasn't In the Hole... But Not By Much.

I'm going to take tonight off, folks. Not exactly in the smartass blogging mood today. After 8 years in the auto business, I have one skill - I can tell when someone is going to get fired days in advance. I got it late last week, and I was right. I was a bit worried that it might be me, but I escaped temination today, but not by much....

They fired my boss, Bobby, when he got back from vacation today. You see, Bobby is the one who hired me, so when the guy who hired you is gone, they tend to look at you and say "I didn't hire that guy, I don't want him." I've had that happen probably at least three times in my career, so I'm not feeling very comfortable right now. Especially when the guy they fired said they did want to fire me too, but he talked them out of it...

Right now, I'm concerned that I work for a company that has unrealistic expectations, without really being aware of how impossible perfection at my job is. Worse, I feel a little guilt that if I had done my job a bit better, then my boss would still have his job. A Service Department is like a team or family - it just the three or four of you, fighting off the techs, management and some of the customers all at the same time. When one of you gets lopped off, it's like losing an arm...

My one saving grace is that they moved the Parts Mgr to cover our department too, so at least it's someone I get along with. Hopefully, things will calm down, I'll keep kicking ass like I have been, and everyone above me will calm down...



  1. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Hang in there....I'll be pulling for you, Betty

  2. Thank you, Betty. All I can do is what I do everyday - the best I can.

  3. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Mike-we will keep your and Bobby in our thoughts. This is a different world than the one we once knew of job security. They use to say some people were a paycheck away from being in trouble. I think a lot more people are in that group now than ever before...teg

  4. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Maybe if you would pay better attention to what you do and not try to kill the 3 or 4 techs who turn 250 plus hours a week and try to work with them instead of against them, you might not feel as though you were "fighting them off". Your a good guy, but you need to try to work with us instead of against us. We are a team, and things can go smoother if you just try. And by the way, I wouldn't post stuff like this on the net, especially about the people who write you checks every week.

  5. Valdosta mg7:38 PM

    Damn not again

  6. I had a lengthy reply here, but I must have forgotten to hit the enter button - how fortuitous...

    No Moye, I'm still working.
