Sunday, June 14, 2009

If You Ain't Flying a Flag Today, You Are a Commie, Pinko Loser !!!!!

Happy Flag Day !!!

In case you forgot, today is June 14th, and that means it's Flag Day, where we get to show our respect for one of the few symbols that uniquely represents our great country. This is the flag hanging off my front porch today. I finally replaced the old one about 2 weeks ago. One piece of advice - don't buy a flag anytime near Flag Day - they double the prices of them... It's like buying fireworks on July 3rd.....



  1. Flying several

  2. Failing to fly it makes the rights case a non starter with persuadable people who do believe in mom, apple pie, fairness, the American Dream and tear up when they hear the Star Spangled Banner.
    Flag Cases

  3. speaking of'd you like the comment from that SC republican on Michelle Obama? That party just keep digging that hole a little deeper.
