Thursday, June 18, 2009

Let It Not Be Said That I'm Not Nice Sometimes..

Just In Case You Forgot, It's Gonna Be 100 Degrees Today .....

So, what's under all that ice? Keyrock, the Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer? Maybe Ted Williams or Walt Disney ? Nope. It's a nice supply of Mountain Dew, Gatorade and Green Tea ..... For most of you guys, heat like this isn't all that bad, cause you work in an air-conditioned office, or you can escape to your car on the road.

For those of us in the car business, we spend almost the entire day in the heat - and it's usually our busiest time of year for us. I can't do the work for them, so the best I can do is make sure they're hydrated and as happy as possible. See, I care. I do this everytime it hits 100 degrees. Have you ever noticed that the weathermen on TV never seem to be able to tell you it's going to be 100, like their screen is incapable of displaying triple digits.

It's gonna be 100 Friday. Be properly armed - hydrate !!



  1. you a good man

  2. I took Monday and Tuesday off from work to unplug and get some rest. As part of that, I started racking up some serious milage on the bike, including a five hour ride Tuedsay afternoon. I was going through about a water bottle and half an hour in that, and barely had the strength to get back.

    It's getting pretty brutal out there.

    The cold shower felt nice afterwards and I slept like a rock for the rest of the afternoon.

  3. Take it easy there, Earl. It's hot out, buddy.

  4. Mike, in the time you've known me, do I do much of anything halfway?

  5. No, I suppose not. Keep that Life Insurance up to date...

  6. I would inviite yall down but the boat has been in the shop since last Friday and in 8 days still not fixed

  7. Shoot, I just got a van that was struck by lightning out of the shop yesterday, and it was here almost a month !
