Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Mark Has To Take His $700 Million Medicine...

I Hope That Isn't Hillary's ....

Yeah, I know. I'm showing a naked boobie on my blog - just to get your attention, right? Nope. I've had this pic for a while, but I think it best represents the conundrum Mark Sanford has had with this whole Economic Stimulus money thing.....

Think about it.. You're the little kid, and you have this thig that was made to feed you. It has all the vitamins and nutrients and DHA that you need. And best of all, it's free. That Enfamil stuff costs like what, $20 a can?? Yet, despite all this, you don't want it, because for as good as that Boobie looks, you know that milk is rancid. Hence, the baby's face.

That has to be Sanford's feeling right now. He doesn't want it, we don't necessarily need it , but you have to take it. Doesn't taste so good I imagine..... Use it or lose it, hundreds of job losses in law enforcement and schools. Lots of reasons to take it, lots of reasons not to... But it's all over now. Num-Num.



  1. west_rhino11:06 AM

    Let me see, we've been dumping millions into schools with little to show for it, maybe the shining exceptions need to be the models and the imperial structure ought to crumble at teh hands of these "vandals, huns, visigoths, Howie Rich and the SCRG"

    Now, by the way, Hugh Leatherman, Bobby Harell, Converse Chellis, et al. whatcha gonna do in the thrid year, when the stimulus check's run out and the imperial federal edicts that went with it remain?

    Relish your shallow victory over the guy calling for reform, he will move on and we won't have him to blame, just the legislature that will have taht bitter pill to swallow.

  2. Anonymous11:08 AM

    BTW Mike, the powdered enfamil tends to be controlled, since some folks like to cut drugs with it.

    Also, the hooter is not wrinkled enough for Hillary and is too large for Hillary or Chelsea. Maybe it is Monica.

  3. Anonymous2:25 PM

    That's John Edward's love child you can figure out the rest...

  4. The Psychic, or the Politician?

    ... "Do you know a lady named Edna? How about Wanda?.....

  5. I want my bail out money sent to Greeleyville address

  6. Wow ... and we thought FITSNews was the porn king.

  7. Mike, are you putting pictures of yourself on here again???

  8. Yeah, that's my breast. I'm up to a C-cup now !!!
