Friday, June 26, 2009

SC6 Exclusive: Has Andre Bauer Already Taken Over at the Governor's Mansion ?

Again With the Loaded Finger? Dead or Alive, You're Coming With Me !

Thanks to Michael Jackson's passing, the weight of the media has let mark Sanford off the hook - at least for the moment. However, just because the spotlight has died down, that doesn't mean the machinations of political gain aren't in full motion. Hold on a second, while I make sure the previous sentences are gramatically correct. Yeah, I think I'm okay....

While other blogs give their opinions on what the future holds, why Sanford did what he did or where he goes from here, or asking 'insiders' for information, we got down into the heart of Columbia's political nerve center, started snooping, and boy did we find some real gems there...

Eevn though Mark Sanford was reported to be on Sullivans Island, we decided to go to Columbia anyway - like something told us to go.. While walking past the Lace House, we spotted Sen. Jakie Knotts, causing an obviously contrived disturbance with the driver of a Mister Softee Ice Cream truck - some BS about not enough Sprinkles on his Double Cone.. As the crowd grew, we saw a shady figure slip into the Governor's Mansion. We slid under the window, and we found Lt. Governor Andre Bauer, checking out the place. We couldn't tell you exactly what he was doing, but he was motioning his hands like you do when you are organizing furniture in your head...

Intrigued, we snuck down through the chimney, and shot the following video... Careful - it is NOT for the faint of heart.......



  1. I dont know which is worse. By the way picked the boat up today fixing to drop it in the lake this afternoon to see if it is fixed this time.

  2. Keep us posted - it's pretty darn hot!

  3. Anonymous10:33 AM

    What's with the no necktie... looks like he's going for the Ahmeindijad look. Better give the Canadian Embassy a head up in case we need to smuggle conservatives out of state.
