Saturday, July 11, 2009

At Least It's For a Good Cause ...

Courteney Cox's Husband to Live In Box For Charity .....

You gotta love David Arquette.. He's the only white guy I've ever seen who has an affinity for Pimp Suits. Of course, when you're Alexis Arquette's brother, it's hard to be labeled "The Odd One", no matter hard you try....... And he's trying.

For all his quirks, Arquette does seem to have a decent heart. This week, Dewey will be raising about $250,000 for Feeding America , the country's largest domestic relief agency. Of course, it does cost more than that to Feed America, but he's trying. So, what will he be doing to raise the cash? How about living in a box for two days.....

Now, it's not like he's going to be on a hunger strike , like Gandhi, or an IRA terrorist. He'll be living in a Plexiglass enclosure - kinda like the Bearded Lady, or someone you throw stuff at in a dunking tank. The event is also sponsored by Mars, who makes Snickers candy bars. Isn't feeding candy bars to the homeless before they've eaten in bad taste. If anyone from Mars or Feeding America is reading this, don't bother writing to clarify..... We all know you don't. As for David, we have a dedication for him.......

This just in.... Courteney Cox has just donated her residual check for her 'Friends' reruns to keep her husband from subjecting her to more humiliation....



  1. The best thing he did was play in the Clint Eastwood movie. Remember when he shot the dude sitting in the out house.

  2. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Mike--if Courtney Cox had any intelligence she would divorce a D-list wanna be actor. All he does is pull down her potential career. I have seen better acting from a mannequin at the local department store,in fact I seriously doubt he could act dead at his own funeral...
