Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Battle for Florence County GOP Executive Committee Rep. Begins ...

I don't know what is going on, but there seems to be news coming faster than I can write it today.... One of the other blogs said it's a slow news day. Well, come on out here - we have plenty going on here in the Pee Dee....
I'm not sure if those of you are aware, but we had a little more turnover in our county leadership this past week. Our Executive Committeeperson, Stephanie Rawlinson, resigned last Thursday. To be honest, I'm not sure exactly why she stepped down. I have heard rumors, but we don't print rumors here, and unfortunately, she was not at the meeting, and her official notice gave no reason. I always found Steph to be an open person, so my hope is that she can take a minute to tell us why. Honestly, we deserve it.....
With Stephanie's resignation, the race for her old spot quickly began. Nominations were submitted, and Florence County will have three candidates to choose from: Licia Stone, who is a former County Chair and State Representative candidate, FMU Director of Alumni Affairs Julian Young, and former County Chair Tommy Phillips. Phillips wife, Shelby, preceeded Rawlinson as Executive Committeeperson.
The county precinct leaders (of which I am one), will choose the winner at the next monthly meeting. While that seems like a while away, the jockeying has started already. I've already been contacted by two of the candidates, so they are wasting no time in locking up as many votes as possible. The winner will have to get a majority of the votes, so there is a good chance that one of the three will end up dropping out. My guess is there will be some coalition building among the candidates, and it could be either one of them.
There are clear differences between the three..... Young clearly is part of the New Guard of the Florence GOP, but the new leadership has had a lot of turnover since taking over in the Spring. Of the five elected in April, only two are in the position they were chosen for that day, with neither of them there last week, and one of the two rumored to be quitting as well. No doubt Young is talented, but is it time to take a half step back, and get some experience at the top?
If that is the route the party goes, they won't have much to debate. While both Phillips and Stone are former Chairs, Licia Stone was part of the recent takeover (who wasn't, aside from me?), and she has some influential supporters behind her. It seems to be a more likely choice of the precinct leaders - almost all of whom voted against Tommy Phillips - to go. Unless they decided that the Florence GOP needed to do a complete 180 degree turn, Phillips would appear to be the odd man out.
But, it's still a long way off. Other shoes could drop, one might drop out. Funnier things have happened in politics.... It'll be interesting. Hopefully, I stayed impartial enough for everyone here....
Note: I had to correct Julian's position at FMU. I had it incorrect - he's seems professorial anyway !!


  1. Lake Ponchartrain mg10:21 PM


  2. Well, I should be committed, but I'm going to see how it plays out, and read the tea leaves.

  3. Thanks for the mention and I'm delighted for the support I'm receiving from so many, but not sure where the notion came from that I'm a professor at FMU. I am the director of alumni affairs. Just wanted to make sure everyone has all the facts. No harm done!

  4. Sorry Julian, I thought you were a prof. - I can fix that in a jiffy....

  5. Julian is going to be a good Executive Committeeman for Florence County. A real Conservative and someone who wants to build on what Florence has.

  6. Thanks, mg, I truly want to mentor the next generation and teach them the philosophies and principles of the GOP. I'm not into being elected to maintain a permanent position. I would not be truly serving my county, state, or country unless I learn, serve, and pass on the mission and passion of the GOP to the next group who will need to stand on the foundation that was started so long ago. Somehow, we've not done our job keeping the main things the main thing. I'm ready to serve!
