Friday, July 10, 2009

Birthdays Really Show Who Your Friends Are

Enjoying My Free Birthday Sundae From Redbone Alley - YUM !

Hey everybody! Just wanted to drop a short note tonight to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday yesterday. I turned 41 Thursday, which means I can no longer join the Young Republicans... It's time I grew up anyway.

I'll be real honest here. My birhtdays have not been the most enjoyable day of the year for a very long time. I never did anything, got anything or went anywhere for a long, long time. But the last two have been pretty good, thanks to all of you guys. The 40th at Chris and Paige's last year was great, and yesterday, I must have gotten 75 Facebook messages from all of you. There are few things that make you feel like a good person than getting piled on with well wishes from friends.

Of course, not everyone remembered. Some I really wished that they would have remebered, and some I'm glad forgot... But, it has helped me see which people truly care, and I appreciate the kindness. We'll be back tomorrow with more of the material that keeps you interested...




  2. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Happy Birthday Mike....all grown up now...HUH?(no Young republican)Skip Earls suggestion though.
    Remember, misery do love company. Betty

  3. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Mike--Let me offically welcome you to the over 40 gang. Hope your birthday was great and hope you have many more. Take care my friend and have a safe and wonderful birthday weekend...teg

  4. I hope it's not toooo late to say "Happy Birthday". I'll put the date on my calendar so I won't miss it next year. Anyway, I hope you had a great day and will enjoy many more. Just a beer or two and some good BarBQue would make a good celebratory meal.

  5. Thanks. Sorry to let you all own, but Betty's probably the closest here - I'm painting shutters today! But, the weekend ain't over yet!

  6. Anonymous3:06 PM

    vp,r pm fpem yp yjr ;slr smf o eo;; goc upi ntrslgsdy om yjr ,ptmomhj

  7. in case you have not broken the code. come on down to the lake and i will fix you breakfast
