Sunday, July 05, 2009

One Man's Luxury Import Is Some European's Pisswater of A Beer ..

Marketing is a beautiful thing. It has the ability to take any average product, and turn it into a wanted , exclusive and more pricey product. Need another example? I saw it today while shopping at Wal-Mart today.
I was doing my usual Sunday AM food run, when I passed by the beer fridge there. There, I saw a familiar sight from a couple years ago. Stella Artois Beer. I saw it when I was in the Ukraine in 2007, and in a country famous for drinks that you can't see through, it looked like a taste of home. And that's exactly what it is - it looks and tastes like Budweiser. ZZZZZZZZZ...
But , the funny part of what I saw today was the price..... A stunning 17.97 for a 12-pack !!!! Damn, that's some pricey brew.... And the irony of it all? What brewer recently bought out Budweiser? InBev - the maker of Stella Artois. Lastly, if you think you're getting a beer made in Amsterdam, think again......... it's brewed in Canada, and shipped here. Drink Up !


  1. How about Pabst or Milwaukee Best

  2. was going to get some for the porch at the slough

  3. Doesn't matter where you go, PBR and the Beast are considered pisswater.

  4. A quick point of clarification: Stella Artois is imported to the U.S. by the Import Brands Alliance, which is based in St. Louis, MO. This beer is shipped directly from Leuven, Belgium, where it is brewed and packaged. I can assure you, our neighbors to the north are not involved with the production or distribution of Stella Artois. If you wish to learn more about Stella, feel free to call the IBA at 1-888-287-2400, from 11 am to 8 pm, CST.

  5. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Mike--I hate to tell you this but true pisswater is called Coors, the rest is just a cheap imatation...teg

  6. OK Dave, I read that info from another blog while getting the picture. Not that there is anything wrong with Canadian Beer - Molson Golden was a fave of mine in college..

    Still Stella does taste a bit Budweiserey..
