Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Pee Dee Boy Scouts Get Political ....

BSA To Give 'Distinguished Citizen Award' to Congressman Clyburn ....
We know that it's going to come as a great shock to you, but our Congressman has found another opportunity to be honored for something - anything - that he possibly can. Yeah, finding out that Jim Clyburn is publicizing his getting a plaque for a job done isn't surprising. Whether that job has been well-done, we'll leave up to you. I called him a ding-dong 2 weeks ago, so my view is pretty obvious. But hearing that The Whipper is coming to Flotown to reassure that he is a great man is like....... Well, like hearing that I'm spending a Saturday evening with my friends at The Trophy Club. It's a given.
This time, it's the Pee Dee Chapter of the Boy Scouts of America. On August 20th, they will have their Distinguished Service Award Dinner at the SIMT Center at Florence-Darlington Tech. There guys, you got a free plug.... Anyway, the statement says they are honoring Jimbo for his service to the county, region and state. It's a bit of a goofy fit there: To call Clyburn a representative of the Pee Dee or Florence County is pretty close to laughable . He lives in Columbia, and hangs out in Santee. If there is one part of the 6th District that Cly would love to rid himself of, it's Florence - and the feeling is mutual. in fact, most of the area the Pee Dee Boy Scouts cove is in the 5th Congressional District. So, why bother with the trophy? Well, my guess is that it involves color - not black or white, but green......
A major source of donations for the Boy Scouts is the United Way, and where do a lot of the United Way's money come from? All levels of government funding. So, it puts non-profit groups like the Boy Scouts in a bit of a bind.... Occasionally, you need to lick the hand that feeds you. Also, when you're having a fundraiser, you need to honor a guest not only to attract people, but attract people that they'd pay to see.. For some reason, citizens think that they have to pay to get ear time with politicians - and Jim will gladly charge you to be seen with him. It's a game of mutual interests, so the Boy Scouts are stuck having to make a deal with the Devil....
I was a Boy Scout for a while, and I don't remember seeing a banquet that honored a DC politician. Honestly, I could think of 50 other people in the area who have truly donated their time and treasure for the Boy Scouts, and the people of Florence. But, those people won't get the local media - or this blog for that matter - to fill the banquet table. I'm not trying to make it look like I'm coming down hard on the Boy Scouts. You gotta do what you gotta do.....


  1. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Did you just volunteer to help the Boy Scouts raise money? They can sure use the help.

  2. If I just did by ragging on my Congressman, so be it. They deserve the money.

  3. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Mike--as an Eagle Scout with a bronze palm, a former scoutmaster, and as a previous BSA district vice-chairman I have to say I am shocked. No I take that back I am appalled that the local scouts have chosen Jim Clyburn for any type of honor or award.

    So why am I against honoring Congressman Clyburn? Well let's start with the BSA is opposed to allowing homosexuals into adult leadership positions, a policy that the National Democrat Party (of which Clyburn is a leader) opposes.

    Second reason: how can you honor a person who belongs to a party that opposes displays of religon at every turn (remember Jimbo is a party leader). A Boy Scout is suppose to reverant. Besides being an Eagle Scout I also earned the God and Country award and scouts are taught to be deeply respectful of all religons and faiths.

    Finally,in all my years working with scouts I can not remember ever hearing of Jim Clyburn helping out our local boy scout troops. I worked with former Reps. Jeanerette,Young,Napier,Tallon to take local scout troops on trips and outings but Clyburn's office has not been as helpful (by any definiton of the word).

    So I find myself between a rock and a hard place:attend this function to help with the BSA fund raiser to honor someone that is dyametrically opposed to what I have was taught as a Eagle Scout or with hold my financial support in protest and hurt a cause that has done so much good for this country. Well I have a few days to make a decision,but I can promise you this it will be interesting...Tom Grimes SC6 District Chairman

  4. treasure chest casino mg10:29 PM

    the dude is loving this one

  5. treasure chest casino mg10:29 PM

    the dude is loving this one

  6. Tom, I would say donate the money, but don't attend the event, and just tell them why..

  7. Uh, Tom...I can give you one easy reason why they would want to honor him: the Boys Scouts like money too. And like it or not, the Whip can send a lot of it your way.

    I would not get too upset about it. We all are whores to the $$$ at some point.

  8. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Mike--in the hours since I posted my thoughts I have had an interesting phone call. I can not divulge what the call was about but I will say that I encourage everyone to support the local BSA organization and that their financial support is always welcome.If you want to donate or buy tickets you can contact the local Boy Scout office.

    And yes all of you can clearly read right between the lines as to what the tenor of the conversation was about...teg

  9. Very sad. People have too much time on their hands - like me.
