Thursday, July 16, 2009

SC6 Closes It's Tent. This Time, It's For Good

Post Number 2099..... I never knew for sure when and it where it would end, but it appears that this it. I've flirted with the idea of ending SC6 almost as long as it's been in existence, but I'm pretty sure that it's going to take this time. Truth is, I'm spent - physically, emotionally, politically - you name it. My joy in just about all things is gone. As good as they have been recently, I found it hard to get excited about the progress, and I think as far as blogging goes, it has shown. I'm flat. I have no fire. I'm getting dull. In short, it's like I don't give a shit, and that's not showing a lot of respect to you guys, who spend valuable time reading SC6 for entretainment purposes. Hopefully, we all learned soemthing too, but I'll jut assume that....

People had been telling me that more people read SC6 than I thought, but I never believed it. Until I signed up on BlogNetNews... After only 2 weeks, we were rated the #11 political blog in influence (what that is exactly, I don't know), and #4 in Conservative blog in South Carolina. When you're alongside heavyweights like Will Folks, Adam Fogle, Earl Capps, Wes Donahue and others, it's a little unbelieveable to hit that mark, especially since this is a hobby. I wanted to say thank you to each of you who read SC6 the past 3 1/2 years, and I hope I kept up my end of the deal...

I might be forgetting some people, but I'll try to do my best. To Earl Capps - you were my mentor, coach, Bad Cop and good friend through all of this, and even before. You knew who i was, and you never even met me. Thanks for all the fun, and for the education. Moye Graham, you were the first and probably only person to actually help out on my campaign, and I appreciate it very much. More importantly, you've been a great friend. We were both at the slightly lower rungs back in the old days, but it's been great to see us move up - although Gubernatorial candidates don't call me like they call you...

Tommy Grimes, we went through a lot of hell together, but it has been a pleasure watching your mind see things two steps ahead of everyone else. And it's was nice being your chauffeuer! To my friends in the GOP statewide, we have a lot of work in the coming years. If you think the past month was tough, wait til next year and 2012.

P-Luv, it's odd calling someone that you've never met or spoken to as a friend, but it was an honor to have been the influence for Behind the Pine Curtain. Like you said, we may not agree 100%, or even 50%, but it was fun, and the respect was always there. It's not easy debating someone who is probably smarter and more well-informed, but I tried. Keep everyone up to date on Flotown happenings, and tell Mayor Hickory Head I send my best...

West Rhino, I STILL have no idea what you are talking about half the time! But, you have always added a great sense of intelligence and old fashioned Conspiracy Theory to SC6. Just to clarify once and for all - did Bill Clinton have Vince Foster killed?

To Ms. X, for two years, you have been my Muse, my friend, my inspiration to be a good person. Rarely have I ever done the right thing, but you always forgave me anyway - just like a Hippie does! I wish I could do and be more, but that is life. I love you very much, and you have contributed more to this blog than you know. Most political blogs are very cut and dried, but you let me show that SC6 had a heart. Thanks Courtney.

And lastly, to Jim Clyburn, which is why I started this in the first place....... like the guy in the Alltel commercial says, "YOU'RE STILL A DING-DONG !!!!!!".

Peace and Love,

Mike Reino


  1. CLT mg8:09 PM

    say it aint so

  2. I know I've cried Wolf about a hundred times before, but I'm done...

  3. Looks like most folks are following my initial reaction: if we ignore this post, he'll forget.

    2010 elections approaching. Mike Reino turns 41, quits his job and his blog. State GOP party rocked by scandal. GOP governor slate non-inspiring. Coincidence? Maybe not. Stay tuned...(*fade out to the great Bonnie Tyler's "Holding out for a Hero" as a newly free Reino runs through some abandoned wharehouse doing the one thing he was born to do: dance*)

    BTW, Reino: is the first campaign meeting at your house or at the TC?

  4. No way, P-Luv. I'm not running for anything. I will agree, there have been plenty of hits, but no one's talking...

  5. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Mike--like I said in an earlier post,this is not sunset but the sunrise of a new day.History is replete with examples of people took time off and came back refreshed/re-energized/renewed.

    I am sure you remember men like Nixon ("you wont have Nixon to kick around and yet came back and won in 1968);Hubert Humphrey who returned to the US Senate after the 1968,and in the process earned the mantra of "the Happy Warrior";look at NASCAR's Mark Martin who retires and then comes back and beats men half his age.The NFL's Brett Farve,cycling's Lance Armstrong,boxing's George Foreman all have walked away to return later and show all doubters they were wrong.

    Take some time off and get away;don't think about politics and let things flow as they will. I am reminded of General MacArthur in his final speech to the cadets at West Point "old soldiers never die they simply fade away". Some how I do not see you fading away and to quote you I always see things two steps ahead. Besides who is going to be my chauffeuer and run over some rabbits??

    Good luck and Godspeed my friend; I will you around...Tom Grimes SC6 District Chairman,

  6. Moye Graham11:17 AM

    I told you this blog got more hits than you realized. Hope you do start a new one and I hope to meet the Hemingway Fan. We have made friends by being here.
    We have accepted a Democrat. Where else can I be nice to Bobby at. Where else can I get mad at Earl at besides his blog and think Tommy is in space. Even West Rino is going to miss you. Maybe Ms. X is a bombshell but she is all of ours. Clyburn no comment. Later friend. You are the man.

  7. Tommy, let's not use Favre. We don't want Reino to be scared about coming back and ruining his legacy as Favre did (and perhaps will continue to do).

  8. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Plulaw--if we can not use Farve how about Ric Flair??...teg

  9. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Has Sanford's downfall demoralized and depressed you into quitting?

  10. :) Anon ! No, that was actually good for the blog - it gave me something to talk about.

    Just have a major case of the blahs..

  11. Whoooooo, Teg. The Nature Boy is like Space Mountain. It may be oldest ride in the park, but it's got the longest line. Whooo....

  12. I am thinking about who to use.

  13. Nice day on Lake Marion

  14. we want you back

  15. I need to get things straight first, so don't expect anything soon..

  16. Anonymous11:20 AM

    WAIT A MINUTE, did Ketner out you too?

  17. Dammit, I thought this would blow over, but you got me....

    Yes, Linda Ketner has outed me as a Lesbian. There, I feel so free now..

  18. Anonymous6:14 PM

    We will never give up on you. With that said we are losing daylight here.

  19. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Mike--I'll talk to you at the meeting Thursday...I have an idea...teg

  20. Where is the meeting by the way.

  21. Uh oh... Tommy's got a plan.

    Moye, it's tomorrow at 600PM in Evergreen..

  22. Evergreen??? My mom says they ain't gots no water. When you pass Meggs Exxon, wave to the house on the right with the white fence, goats and fish pond. Yell that Pluv told you to say hey.

  23. Yeah, word is there's going to be a few corpses left afterwards, and we need somewhere to dump them on the way back...

  24. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Mike--the only corpse's will be democrats. I think we can take them down to back of Snow Island and feed'm to the gators down there..poor gators,,,teg

  25. Hemingway Fan2:55 PM

    Don't know Tommy but we have a plan at the MBPD. What is going on here. A guy can't take a couple weeks vacation back on the Jersey Shore without this happening.

  26. I was wondering what happened to you, HF..

  27. Anonymous11:40 PM

    HF--glad yoru back..please help the officers in MB keep their clothes on, this aint south Florida...besides theyre scaring the little kids and old ladies...teg

  28. You were fixing to set a record on this one

  29. Not even close, Moye. The Magic Number is 63...

  30. I know which one it was

  31. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I will be watching for your next post....I figure two weeks and you will be having withdrawal symptoms...Betty

  32. Several people asked about you today at the County Tech Summit in Columbia
