Thursday, August 06, 2009

6th District GOP Finally Gets on Facebook...

'So I Tell Him, Mr. Obama.... I Know Abe Lincoln, And You Are No Abe Lincoln'
After promising all Summer that they would put up a Facebook page, the 6th Congressional District GOP finally got the page online today. Obviously, this represents the laziness or stupidity of the leadership, especially the Vice-Chair, who was put in charge of it. That Vice-Chair, of course, is yours truly......
Well, after not finding the obvious signs on Facebook of how to do it, I went back to the manual I got at the Florence County GOP Tech Summit (Thanks, Dana!), and it was up in five minutes. Easy enough... When I ran for Congress in 2004, I had NO organized system to communicate with the specific people that I needed to. This will help out a lot. It will also be a direct way for Republicans in our area to tell us directly of events, meetings, and to give us advice/criticisms on assisting each of the 15 counties in the 6th District.
Most of you might have gotten the invitation from me already, but if not, just get on Facebook, and search "SC 6th District Republicans". Our apologies to anyone living in the 6th Senate or House Districts for stealing your group. You snooze, you lose...
Now, do I expect this to turn things around 180 degrees - like electing a new Congressman here? Uhh, no. But, to those that pick on us Facebooking, the fact is that last year, most of us were flying blind in October and November. We couldn't get signs. We couldn't even call each other. There was NO communication. That's over now. We're doing a better job of it through Facebook and other mediums. The work still needs to be done, but the organization is getting there.


  1. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Thanks for a great job with the Facebook page. I am setting a launch date for the web page for the first of September. And there are more things to come...teg

  2. Anonymous7:51 AM

    By the way, if you look at the picture at the top of this post it shows Lincoln joking with some of the presidents of the 20th century. Can any one tell who's missing?...teg

  3. Nice seeing you in Sumter last night. We will see you Saturday at the lake like tomorrow.
