Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Asst. Manager Asks Store Manager to Quit.... Store Manager Laughs at Asst. Manager

Andre and Mark In Happier Times .....

Had enough of this yet today? Well, we had to comment on it eventually. Sensing that impeachment is an inevitability, Lt. Governor Andre Bauer asked for Governor Mark Sanford to resign, for the sake of his state's respectability, and to allow Columbia to focus on legislation, rather than impeachment. Sanford rebutted shortly afterwards, telling Bauer that he isn't going anywhere, that he didn't improperly use state planes, and that other elected officials have done likewise. Particularly with that last nugget, Sanford laid down the gauntlet - that if they take him out, he will likely take some of them along with him.....

Do I think Sanford acted improperly? How the hell do I know? I don't work for SLED, the State Ethics Commission or the CIA... I'm a putz with a blog. I'll let others speculate , accuse and judge - whether they're right or wrong. I will try to read the tea leaves here a little, and predict future events, which are probably as accurate as everyone else's accusations...

Mark Sanford will be impeached in January

Barring an outright clearance from a major investigative unit, the House cannot wait to oust Sanford. Is he paying due to the plane trips? Maybe. Because of the affair? Some. Because the House and Senate can't stand him embarrassing them and pointing out their spending spree? Hell Yeah. In kind, every public servant who's flown in a class higher than in a Pet Carrier will be run through the ringer, and political carnage ensues on both sides.....

Andre Bauer Will Run for Congress

I'm not breaking any news here, although I didn't believe it a week or two ago. Andre Bauer buys and flips houses all the time. But, when he made the request and publicly stated on TV that he would give the Governor job up, that convinced me that he is going to run for Congress in the 4th District. Personally, he can stay at my place on the couch, and run in the 6th if he wants. What's he going to do, retire ?

Bauer Beats Bob Inglis

Are there Republican congressmen more liberal in America than Bob Inglis? Hell yeah. Are there any in South Carolina? Nope, especially in the Upstate.... All the other wannabe candidates run for the hills, Bauer beats Inglis with a political lead pipe and leaves him bloodied and left for dead on the side of I-26 ....

There is still plenty of time to avoid all of this... Four months in politics is forever, but my guess is that minds are made up, and a lot of guys in Columbia are waiting impatiently for January to get here. House to do list: December, buy Christmas gifts..... January, Impeach Sanford...



  1. Meanwhile, store is struggling. Manager had a bank offer him a forgiveness loan, but he refused. He knew taking such a loan hurt his chances of ever being CEO. Two stockers felt differently and sued Manager to take the loan. Pointed out they would have to close if not. And if they didn't take it, Circuit City would, stealing their customers and further damaging their business. Court sideded with stockbrokers.

    Embarassed by being whipped by his stockers, the Manager decided to take a "break" by going to a trade show in Atlanta. He goes completely out of contact. Since he never added the Asst Manager to the bank accounts, payday is coming up and someone needs to sign the checks. They start frantically looking for the Manager only to find out he is not in Atlanta at a trade show. He's in Guadalaraga with the counter girl from the Mexican place in the food court, Lupe.

    Manager shows back up and cops to where he was and with who. Then holds an employee only meeting where he cries as he describes not only crossing the line with Lupe, but he also did it with Kristen (from Auntie Ann's pretzels), Susie (from Chic-fil-A) and Joy (from the Szechuan grill). Promises to work to repair things with his wife, who also happens to the the head of the customer service department.

    Unfortunately, as the weeks go by, Manager continues to spend and inordinate amount of time eatting tamales. Then it turns out that he used the Nerd Herd mobile to drive him and Lupe to Guadalaraja. And Joy to Chinatown. And Kristin and Susie to their Junior Proms.

    Thing are really weird. No one wants to tell Corporate about the Manager's shennanigans, because they would probably move the Asst Manager up until after the Christmas Rush. And the Heads of Security, Home Appliances and Computers all want the gig.

    It's gonna be a rough holidays for this store...

  2. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Andre Bauer is suppose to be in Florence tonight to speak to the Florence County Republican Party. The FCRP meeting is 6-8pm at the Ramada Inn at Youngs Plantation Inn. I would like to encourage everybody to stop by to meet the Lt.Governor...teg

  3. Anonymous12:29 PM

    January Impeachment...Given house and senate members use of the airplane (one of our latest outrage de jours for the Guv), a precedent of resignation or being forced out that isn't enforced across the board (Hugh, Bobby, Chip, Robert, Leon anyone paying attention) has a fine ability to extend State Newspaper's long decline and demise.

    Bauer runs for congress? Spratt would be the natural target, but Henry Brown has been speculated. I don't think the promise to not run as Gov stands as faux public acclaim is manufactured, unless there's a deal with McMaster that is as ethical as what led McMaster to prosecute Schafer... carnage in the Gov's race and maybe Ken Ard moves up real quick. Also, last I heard from Black Label, Andre was still running and accepting contributions for a Gubernatorial campaign, not a Congressional race.

    Bauer beats Inglis... gotta get into that race before the filing date AND gonna P.O. a bunch of folks ALREADY in that race and the filings still indicate campaign funds are for Gov race.

  4. great turnout in FloTown last night for Andre

  5. I got an email from Drake today asking me to sign a petition I suppose he intends to use for...publicity.

  6. Andre is from the Columbia area. I believe it's Chapin, but I could - and probably am - wrong.
