Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Bloggers Blogging About Other Bloggers Blogging, And Other Kooky Things..

I'm telling you, you I've been doing this for close to four years now, and sometimes, I swear I have no idea what pushes your buttons. I'll write what I think is a sharp, intelligent and informative piece of work - and it just dies. Then they're is last night... I write a total joke piece of FAKE NEWS about George Clooney's old character from 'ER' being named Obama's Health Care Czar, and it skyrockets to Number One overnight. It's like those mindless techno songs that takes three minutes to write, but it has a good beat, so it ends up going Platinum....
Now, time for a short commentary. I don't usually go around the blogsphere to read other bloggers blogs. I find that it keeps me from writing about what I wnat to , because they might have written about it already. Sure, there are a couple I read regularly - usually because they blog about different topics, or they see things from another viewpoint than mine.
But, I've been touring around the SC Blogosphere, and I've noticed a disturbing trend. There seems to be some bloggers who spend an inordiante amount of time posting about other bloggers - and not usually positively. In fact, there are one or two that seem to exclusively live off of bitching about other bloggers. Sure, a little bit of rivalry between blogs is good - I have one or two myself. But surely there is more to talk about than what a moron this guy or that guy is. Every day, I can find two or three subjects to blog about. Maybe some of them are childish, and I have no problem with taking pot shots at politicians. But blogging is a brotherhood - whether you agree or not with each other. Put the blinders on, make your blog the best it can be, and don't even worry about what the other guy is writing about.....
I gotta run ........ I need to make up some more 'Fake News' ..


  1. This post is great example of why Mike Reino's SC6 sucks. But not as much as Mike Reino. Because Reino sucks a ginormous amount. I'm talking gargantuan sucking. In fact, Reino sucks so much, that I check his blog 2-3 times a days, just to see how is sucking and whether his sucking has reached new levels of suckiness. It usually has.

    So keep sucking Reino. And I'll keep reading...

  2. That should confirm what you may have often wondered: That unexplained 'Giant Sucking Sound' you've often heard is, in fact, this blog....

  3. i want a new car mg3:07 PM

    Believe me if the blog aint good nobody will go back to it with Facebook taking its toll on the blogosphere. There are so many blogs you have to choose one or two if you are a reader and supporter like myself. Now you can use the Facebook to get traffic to your site and that is a good thing. Told you a bunch of times your site gets a lot of hits and glad now that you are monitoring it enough to see that. Keep it up man.
