Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The Daily Show Honors The Palmetto State - Though Not In a Way We'd Appreciate.

In case you missed it last night, The Daily Show had a segment, featuring our wonderful state. While the purpose of it was to bestow an honor upon South Carolina, it wasn't exactly the kind of honor that you like. You see, Jon Stewart and the rest of the gang decided that South Carolina has taken over the mantle as the most laughworthy state in the US....
Now, I've always liked The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, even though they do tend to pick on Republicans. But sometimes, we deserve it, and other times the Democrats do too. No doubt, we have had some pretty goofy stories come down the pipe here lately. There's plenty to go around for Stewart to pick on, and he sure did.
I know some of you guys aren't going to find this very funny, but if you can't laugh at your own foibles - like wearing a super shiny dress shirt - then what can you laugh at? Yeah, it would be nice to NOT have this distinction, but we are South Carolina - the state that's too small to be a country, and too big to be an insane asylum.....


  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Mike--to call SC the most laugh worthy state in the union is really a stretch. I can think of quite a few states that should beat us as mos laughable:1)New Jersey-people dont live in towns/cities--they live off exit ramps between Philly and NYC.Also remember the NY Giants play at the Meadowlands?Have you ever seen a tickertape parade in West NYC?It ain't pretty.2)California-when you have a state with the Gubanator as
    Governor whats a few IOU's?Keep in mind English is now a foreign language in Cali and sun tanning is a Olympic sport.3)Finally Illnois-any state that can give us Obama,Burrows,Emanuel,Daly has got to have a warped sense of humor.
    South Carolina as the most laughable? Only to folks up North who think tea should be served hot and in fine china...teg

  2. If you look at it on a per capita basis, SC holds it's own for sure. Wear the badge with honor!
