Thursday, August 20, 2009

Europeans Can Be Real Pussies Sometimes

Only Person Convicted In Pan 103 Bombing Set Free After Only 8 Years..
A conscience can be a very decieving thing. We Americans occasionally have a conscience, but rarely. Europeans on the other hand, seem to have this overwhelming sense that they will go to Hell for letting sick criminals die in jail. Heck, they don't even need to be sick sometimes. The thought that some people deserve to never live another day of freedom seems lost upon them....
That appears to be the case of Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, the only person convicted in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, which killed 270 people. Like 9-11, this is an event that I have a lot of personal prejudice. Eleven people from my college died on 9-11, and two were on Flight 103. Syracuse University, just down the road a few miles, had aout 20 students on that flight. It's an event that is forever burned into those two schools memories, even 20 years later... And for the parents and friends of those killed, finding any sense of justice that they had when al-Megrahi was convicted was lost today, when Scottish officials released him....
Why did they set him free? He's sick. Yep, that's it. Apparently, al-Megrahi has terminal prostate cancer, and he's expected to die in three months, so Scotland released him, so he could go back home to Libya and die peacefully.... How sweet! Now, it's a bit cliche', but did any of those 270 who died in the air and on the ground get an opportunity for peace ? The guy was in jail only for eight years, which is about 12 DAYS for each person he killed. Clearly, he deserved for his last sight to be the ceiling of the prison infirmary. But that isn't happening.....
Let's put this in comparison a bit. Picture Timothy McVeigh not only avoiding execution, but being released from prison already.... And he killed barely half of those murdered on Pam Am 103. It boggles the mind, but that is the European attitude - it's the same culture that gave a guy a cigarette right before they executed him. I'll try to avoid the Pro/Anti Execution argument here. If a guy is sentenced to 27 years, and he dies in 8, that is how it goes. It is Justice in an odd way....... But, the families of Pan Am Flight 103 didn't get that. Sleep tight, McGillicuddy !!

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