Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Hey, Manson Family Members, Get Ready to Celebrate .... Squeaky's Finally Coming Home !

Squeaky Fromme's Coming Home ......Feel Safe Now?
More evidence that Barack Obama and the Democrats have made America less safe... Kidding. There apparently is a rule that says if you try to assassinate the President, you never get out of jail - unless it is Gerald Ford. Word today is that former Charles Manson follower and attempted Presidential assassin Lynette 'Squeaky' Fromme will be released from her jail cell in Texas on August 16th. Sarah Jane Moore, who also tried to kill Ford in 1975, was paroled last year. No doubt that her friends and family have been doing the 'Uncle Joey' from Back to the Future thing for the past 20 years now - you know, the 'Welcome Home' cake that gets wasted because he didn't make parole.
Fromme was convicted of trying to kill Ford back in 1975, while she was dressed as a nun, holding a .45 caliber pistol. Fromme forgot or purposefully left the chamber empty on the attempt, but was convicted anyway. If you think that this was just a one time case of foolishness by Fromme, think again. This lady is F'ed up six ways to Sunday....
She was in the Manson Family for about 5 years - not exactly a short term dalliance.. She then hooked up with the Aryan Brotherhood, and was or wasn't involved in the double homicide of a California couple. In 1975, she tried to meet Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page, because 'something bad would happen to him'. Obviously, they blew her off. Then came her assassination attempt. Oh, we're not done yet.....
In 1979, she attacked a fellow inmate with the end of a claw hammer, and in 1987, she escaped from her prison in West Virginia in an attempt to meet up with Manson - 18 years after their last contact !! This lady is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs , people..... But hey, she's been good since then. The good news is that this gives John Hinckley, Mark David Chapman, Sirhan Sirhan - and maybe even Manson himself - hope that someday they'll be paroled too....

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