Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jim Clyburn: Nero With a Golf Club

This should be my final thought for today. Here's something for everyone to think about ... Kingsburg just lost a $2.2 Billion project that would have permanently changed the local economy. It would have created jobs - good paying jobs. It would have made hundreds of non-project related service jobs - jobs that bring revenue to all levels of government. It would make enough power to attract other companies to South Carolina. Would have.... it's gone now. they might build another plant, but it will likely be elsewhere, in a place that wouldn't appreciate it as much, or that needed it as much. It's probably over for the area....
I said it yesterday - Cap and Trade killed the Kingsburg Plant. Jim Clyburn is the House Majority Whip. Not only did he vote for the very bill that killed the project in his own district, he was the one who poked and prodded 240 other Democrats to do the same. And where was he when $2.2 Billion just flew outof his district? Playing golf in Martha's Vineyard with the President. If the funding for the Bridge to Nowhere was in jeopardy, he would have been all over the place. It's all too reminiscent of President Bush's problems during Hurricane Katrina.....
Nero had a Fiddle. Bush had an Air Guitar. Clyburn's got a Golf Club.......


  1. When your last great hope for an area is a stop-gap antiquated technology that will further pollute an already ICU'd river, what were you really expecting.

    The Kingsburg plant was never a real solution to a) the economic problems of the area, b) any alleged upcoming energy shortage, c) the worsening environmental pollution in our area or d) fixing inefficient government.

  2. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Mikey, beyond the press' amber lenses, the Katrina response issues remain teh FU to the we're here from DC to help you and you need to evacuate NOW. FEMA tried to be polite and trusted in cooperation with bureaucrats.

    Maybe, given the PeeDee's experience with growing tobacco trying poppies, coca and hemp to offset a different balance of trade, could be pursued to restore the economy and de-fund narco-terrorists?

    Just a thought.
