Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday's Picture of the Day ...

Somebody Call Alfred Hitchcock !!

Muldrows Mill was invaded by about 60 Canadian Honkers this morning. We've had maybe 5 or 6 at a time before, but today was something different. I swear I heard 'Flight of the Valkyries' playing when they all dropped in... No, I didn't step in any poop !



  1. on the way to fayetteville nc mg12:52 PM

    Those geese are everywhere.

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Mike--since you have already taken the Toyota wabbitt huntin' maybe you can now take it goose huntin'. You did say you need to see some big honkers on the way back from Sumter...teg

  3. Brer Rabbit6:19 PM

    Looking for congressman "Whippa" Jimmah Clybun an sum gummint cawn... Schumer an tha Noo Yawk delegashun ain't givvem no illegals from Canada no stimulus cheese or cawn so they crash a jet in the hudson, wait til they poop on I-95

  4. The scary part is that I understood everything you said !
