Friday, August 07, 2009

Steven Tyler's 'Living On the Edge' Of the Stage - And Off It !

Aerosmith's Front Man Falls Off Stage, Is Hospitalized ...
It ain't easy being a Rock Star, and it ain't easy being 61... It REALLY isn't easy being a 61 year old rock star.... Hence, Steven Tyler found that out - along with the fact that Newton's Law is still in effect - when he fell off the stage during a show in South Dakota Wednesday Night.
No, he didn't break a hip.... He was doing one of his usual spinning moves, when it looks like he fell and went headfirst off the stage and into the crowd. He was airlifted toa nearby hospital (he IS Steven Tyler after all.), and was treated for minor head, neck and shoulder injuries. He should be fine, although he is lucky that it happened now, because if this occurred after Barack Obama's Health Care Plan kicked in, he might have been euthanized..... Here is the TMZ clip of Tyler's fall....

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