Somewhere In Florence, There Are Trees Crying Out For Justice ..
It's been a little while, but the time has come again for one of THOSE stories... There was a story in the Florence Morning News today that makes you wonder what people are thinking sometimes....
It seems that Jasen Brown of Clover came to a property owner's place to clear some trees from it. Now, like most natural resources, wood has a value as well, and most people will pay you to clear those trees for you, then sell it elsewhere. Apparently, Brown realized that he'd make a lot more money if he cut out (pun intended) the middle man, and didn't pay the owner of the trees. Brown cut down those trees, and skedaddled back to Clover...
It turns out that Brown did the same thing in Kershaw County as well, and when Forestry Service officials asked Brown to furnish a reciept of sale or scale ticket (yes, you have to have a receipt for lumber), he didn't give them one. So after the 30 days that he was allowed to furnish those receipts passed, they booked him for timber or wood load ticket not being provided, and failure to pay within 45 days, where he posted bond after a little visit to the Florence County Detention Center..... Moral of the story? Just pay for the wood.....