Sunday, August 16, 2009

We've Got Rush's Obama Health Care Parody..

If you want to know why America is the greatest country in the world, we'll tell you.. Ever since it's inception, the will of the people always wins out - maybe it takes a while on some things, but in the end, we always do the right thing - even if our politicians have to be bitchslapped to do it.
Thanks to you, me and all of the voters who came out and said that the Health Care bill passed by the House of Representatives went too far, both Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND), and the White House have stated that the Public Option on Health Care will be scrapped and they are leaning towards a Cooperative instead. Perhaps this will lead to true reform, rather than creating another bloated government bureaucracy. Take a bow, everyone ....
Now, onto the reason for the post. On the way back from Chucktown, I caught a little of Rush Limbaugh's program for the first time in about 4 years. No, I'm not a Dittohead, but I do like the parodies that Paul Shanklin writes. Lucky for me, they had a new one this week. It is a parody of Randy Newman's 'Short People', and Shanklin does a pretty good impression of Obama on it. We give you ..... 'Old People'. Feel free to skip to 1:00 on the clip if you want to skip the political gibberish...


  1. the great north west mg9:50 PM

    we still have a lot of work ahead of us

  2. Yeah, but it is nice to actually be able to do something. Six months of being a bystander gets frustrating..
