Thursday, September 10, 2009

Alan Wilson Kicks Off Campaign In Flotown ....

Attorney General Candidate Works the Pee Dee Today .....

To kick start his campaign for Attorney General, Alan Wilson stopped into Florence Proper's Redbone Alley, to meet with the locals, and be interviewed by the media. Wilson was also scheduled to make stops in Conway and Myrtle Beach, before finishing up at the Georgetown County GOP meeting tonight.

It was a sort of homecoming for Wilson, who graduated from Francis Marion University, and whose mother was born in Florence... It was a small crowd that attended the event. It is still relatively early in the campaign, and even I was notified of when and where it was only 25 minutes before it started - but that's a story for another time.... He fielded questions from the attendees and Trish Burkett from Channel 13, who you must be a Facebook friend with at some point - she's the only TV person who tells actual personal anecdotes, and they're pretty funny most of the time.. Wilson even stayed long enough to enjoy lunch. We always recommend the Chicken Pontalba ....

Of course, Wilson wasn't given any favors by his father Joe's comment during President Obama's Health Care speech. No doubt that it has made his job harder. As the son of a guy who says stupid things often (though mine does it more than Wilson.... must be something about the name Joe), I can understand. Perhaps Alan Wilson's biggest challenge will be showing that he is not a chip off the old block. The media is starting to run with 'You Lie' as we speak - it's on the front page of MSN currently - and Alan will need to show that he is calm, focused, professional and not a politician, which is how most of us like our Attorney Generals...

Though he does have two contenders in the Primary currently, we think that Alan Wilson does have the experience (both military and in the position he's running for) and the skills needed to be a good AG. Here's his website , if you need more info, or want to help...



  1. Here's my free line to Alan on the dad issue:

    "You know...if any of my opponents can control the crazy things their parents say, I think you should vote for them. They are obviously more talented than most of us will ever be."

  2. Hmmm... Muzzling my dad? Dare to Dream, my friend....

  3. Bobby9:49 PM

    could care less about any SC politics right now...all they do is make us look like fools.

  4. Gotta say...I think the " I'm proud of my father for apologizing for the venue he voiced his opposition" is lame as hell. Who's "proud" of someone for saying they're sorry?

    Seriously...they had all night to craft a response to this and that was what they came up with? If that's the best he and his campaign can do, I would not be picking out furniture for the AGs office yet.
