Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Bobby Harrell Joins the Mark Sanford Intervention

House Majority Leader Calls on Governor to Resign .....

Another week, another fellow Republican asking Mark Sanford to step down. Today, House Majority Leader Bobby Harrell finally got off of the fence, and asked Sanford to resign. No real surprise there... What is of more interest now is what this tells us, or what we may find out very soon.

First, what does this tell us for starters? That the House does indeed have more than enough votes to impeach Sanford. If they want to in January, the House can rid itself of Sanford. Will this talk Mark Sanford into resigning? Probably not. Jesus himself may have to come back to talk Sanford into resigning, but if Sanford is sure that he has done nothing wrong, then go ahead, run the string out, and hope for the best.. Time will tell.

Now, what will or will not happen? That is the interesting part. Some bloggers have intimated that Harrell has kept quiet because Sanford 'has something' on him. They've never been specific. Between that and the rumors that Sanford was the source of 're-outing' Andre Bauer last week, one has to ask - If or when will Sanford unload on Harrell? All of this is an unknown, but we will find out soon if there is anything to it, or if we've just been had again....



  1. Allegedly, God told him to stay right where he's at.

    Maybe it's because it's easier to hit a stationary target with a lightning bolt?

  2. Word is Sanford's walking around with a 1-iron for a cane, because even God can't hit a 1-iron. Sorry, oldest Golf joke in the book...

  3. I'm reading Sharlet's "The Family", about the same group that had the C Street residence Sanford resided in. It is pretty enlightening regarding the way these folks look at religion.

    In a way, it's like a perverted form of Buddishm. Boiling it down, these folks seek an "absence of doubt" which is really nothing more than an absence of self-awareness. Once that is achieved, one cannot differentiate between ones own thoughts and God's. That way, their God can be everywhere. Their desires become God's will.

    It's what allows a douchebag like Sanford to proclaim God wants him to stay in office, wants him to continue to be with his "soulmate," etc. In their world, God's will is no different than their desires. It would be downright funny, if there was not a lot of people (and many in powerful positions) who subscribed to the this crap.
