Friday, September 11, 2009

Check Out the New SCGOP Web Video ..

Yeah, I was ripping the state party yesterday.... But today's another day, and when you criticize someone, you need to give credit sometimes too. The SCGOP released a new web video earlier today. It's pretty slick...... Good production quality, and it features a bunch of my friends in the party - Janis Blocker, Bill Bowers, Charles Butler, Glenn McCall, Karen Floyd, and they even snuck in one of the Four Horsemen. No, Earl didn't make it - the video is only 1:45 minutes, and we all know that's about 23 minutes short of the time Earl needs to discuss anything !!!! The honor went to Moye ...
It's a nice, precise video on why we are Republicans. I'm sure it might leave some Democrats puking on their laptops, but anything that makes a Democrat physically sick can't be all that bad, right? Here's the link....

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