Monday, September 14, 2009

Come On Barbie, Let's Tea Party !!

The Tea Party Crowd Gathers in Florence ...

This was my favorite picture from Saturday's Tea Party gathering at the Florence City-County Complex... Why? Because the lady dressed in Revolution Era garb said, "Oh Darn, I forgot to take my sunglasses off !" That's okay...

The crowd was somewhere between 20 and about 600,000, depending on what media outlet you got word from. Actually, I didn't see any media there, but that isn't a big surprise - they usually stay totally out of politics here in Flotown. I'd say the crowd was about in the 300-400 range. I called it a Republican Party event, but we didn't organize it. That credit goes to Murray Jordan, who got a good list of speakers. It wasn't a straight Republican group. In fact, I didn't now most of them. There were Republicans, Libertarians, some Democrats and a couple of those 9/11 Truthers...

But, they all had one thing in common - the worry that for the past decade, the current and past administrations have gone on a wreckless spending spree that threatens the future wellness of our country. Here's a few pics from the event....

Julian Young, Joe Griffin and Mitch Baroody..

Hot Dogs and Tea .... Sweet, of course !!

Dean Fowler, Mary Tepper and Taylor Tepper, who spoke at the event. Remember, breathe, take your time, and don't curse !!!

Some of the attendees didn't mind the heat, although I got a little sunburned...

But , my favorite part of the Tea Parties are the signs people bring.... Here's a sample


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Mike...your first picture is so patriotic...makes you wonder why the Florence police kicked those two out of Florence's patriotic Parade Saturday morning...telling them they were to political. They were told "leave the parade or be arrested"....go figure... Thanks for documenting the law breakers.....Betty
