Monday, September 28, 2009

The Dear Abby of Politics Says Henry Mac..... Give the Cash Back.

With all the millions of dollars I make from consulting and advising politicians - if you believe anyone - it's rare that I give advice for free, especially to Republicans. No one listens to me anyway, but I usually reserve my advice for Congressmen that REALLY couldn't less of a crap what I think...
Over the weekend, the buzz has gotten around about Henry McMaster's campaign recieving $7,000 in donations from a pair of attorney's that he hired for no-bid work a few years ago. I kind of envision this whole Dear Abby - Ann Landers thing.....'Dear Abby, I am a candidate for a major office in a Southern State......" So, what's a guy to do ??
No, I don't know jack about campaign finance laws, but if the rule that everyone is referring to is correct, then it seems to me that this is a no-brainer. Just give the money back...
My first thought is that McMaster's camp should know either the rule, or an easy way to circumvent it, like having a friend donate the cash... Oops, did I say that? We all know that doesn't happen, but I digress. But they dropped the ball, and from the initial statement, they're going to hardass it, and make this error that almost every campaign makes turn into a bigger problem.
They tell you don't sweat the small stuff, especially in politics. This is small stuff. My advice is for them to find $7,000 , return it, move on, and wait for that $7000 to somehow magically make its way back......

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