Friday, September 04, 2009

Giving New Meaning to the Term 'Piss Gas' ....

Maybe It Should Be Called 'Pee-due' University .....
Hey Congressman Clyburn, rather than trying to BS into using switchgrass to create energy (BTW, thanks to The Cotton Boll Conspiracy for explaining the process in detail), maybe here's something that lends more promise - Pee Pee! I can see it already - The Santee Pooper Pee Dee Pee Pee Power Plant !!! Geez, that is one great use of alliteration ......
While powering our vehicles with something other than oil has been a tough go - Ethanol has helped curb our usage slightly, but producing enough corn to replace oil is impossible - we do seem to be on a long term track to success with Hydrogen technology. While an economical mass-produced hydrogen car appears a decade or so away, a team at Ohio University has made headway into the future by developing a way to convert Urine into Hydrogen. For those of you who always thought you could never pee and fart at the same time, your days of disbelief may be over...
Now, I am not a scientist - although I play one on television. But it has to with the elemental reaction of Pee Pee. Each molecule of urine contains four atoms of hydrogen, and two atoms of nitrogen. The Ohio team simply added a nickel-based electrode into it, and add an electrical current. Voila - the pee turns into hydrogen gas, and it only needs .0037 volts to produce it, as opposed to 1.23 volts when doing it with water.
Now, the Ohio University team has only worked on this on a smaller scale - like a 3x3x1 inch unit capable of creating 500 milliwatts of power, but they are modeling larger units for vehicle and power plant use as well. The goal is to be able to make units for autos, and let farmers be able to take the animal waste create onsite, and use it to power the farm. How exactly you get a chicken or hog to pee where you want, I don't know - I can't even get my dog to stop peeing on the rose bushes.....
It's all pretty interesting stuff, but is it another case of Science being pie in the sky, and promising soemthing that can't work? Who knows. Time will tell.... Here is the link to the article, so you an get educated on all the poop ......or pee, as it were.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Mike-you really have to quit staying at those Holiday Inns when you go on vacation...teg
