Monday, September 28, 2009

More Bad News For Social Security ....

Hope Granny's Arthuritis Is OK, Otherwise Her Finger Might Be Locked in Place Like That Forever .....
Ever since we started this blog nearly 4 years ago, we've been warning you about the impending failure and insolvency of Social Security and Medicare. We've tried to give solutions to helping it, without raising taxes, but thanks to a Congress that prefers to build additional programs while ignoring the responsibilities they already have, nothing has happened. Where the f**k is that cartoon I had of Nero playing a fiddle?
Previous reports had that Social Security would begin spending more than it takes in by 2017, and that by 2041, the $2.5 trillion they have hidden in a magic box in Washington (aka, it doesn't exist, except for IOU's) would be bankrupt. So, for my 73rd birthday, Uncle Sam will likely cut or end a fund that I spent 55+ years paying into. Well, the news this week is that those numbers will get sped up a bit, and it's all because of the bad economy....
Here's the poop..... The economy sucks, so people get laid off. Many of them are older people 62 years old and over. Many employees see them as 'Dead Wood', so they get dropped in favor of younger employees with more of a future in the company. So, what ends up happening? Instead of finding another job, many of them are deciding to retire earlier than planned, and accept the Government Tit. Others are filing for disability claims from Social Security as well - a lot more. How much more? How about 25%???
Yep, over 400,000 more of those eligible for retirement are now drawing Social Security than last year - over 2.2 million. It is so bad, that instead of 2017, Social Security will be in the red for 2009 and 2010. That gives you an idea of just how much the program is teetering on collapse. Kinda like how we keep running deficits every year, but we don't cut anything from the budget. Notice, I'm not blaming Barack Obama for this - I'm being completely non-partisan on this. This is a Congressional issue. It's pretty retarded of them to do nothing, while trying to add 15% of the US economy onto their plate. Like loading up on the buffet fried chicken at Rogers', when you already have an unhealthy amount to BBQ on your plate - and yes, I just Congress a bunch of retards, again....Have a happy heart attack..

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