Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Remembering the Start of World War II

Invasion of Poland Was 70 Years Ago Today .....
Every once in a while, we need to take a moment to honor our greatest generation. Today is September 1st, and it is also the 70th anniversary of the German Invasion of Poland, which started World War II. Greta Britain had promised to defend Poland , and when Adolf Hitler ordered his troops to cross the border, England had no choice, but to go to war.
Although it was another 27 months before the United States got into the war, today was the day that began the most terrible, and ultimately the greatest test of our country's people. Thousands of WWII vets are passing away every day. If you know of one, take a minute to thank them today for preserving our freedom and protecting us from the most real threat we've ever had in our history....


  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Mike-my dad like many from his generation served in World War II. He was in the Pacific theater in 1944-1945. We owe a great deal to the men and women who from them. Not just those who served in the service but those who were home building the weapons to defend our nation and those who served to keep it running.

    I remember my parents telling me stories of the rationing not just of gas and rubber but of eggs,sugar and other food items. Our west coast was organized in case of aerial attacks. On the east coast we had to increase secuirty at the docks in New York,Boston,Philadelphia due to German spys and fear of sabotage.

    The stories from the greatest generation could fill volumes as testimony to the scarifices that generation made.
    I encourage all of you to take a momemt to thank those members of the greateset generation because with them and the price they paid we may not be here today...teg

  2. Orwell is posthumously blogging:

