Sunday, September 06, 2009

Van Jones Gets the Axe ....

In typical Saturday night political fashion, Green Jobs Czar Van Jones was asked to resign by the Obama Administration for a pretty long list of contraversial comments and actions came to light. Jones complied earlier this morning...

As a Republican, I wasn't offended at being called an asshole. I get called that all the time - and sometimes, the person is right. But, to see and hear some of the other things that Jones has said , it's fair to say that Jones is left even of Barack Obama, and that he was a huge political liability. From my vantage point, you can give credit/blame to Glenn Beck on this one. I never heard of Van Jones before Beck went on a rampage for days on end this week. He made a strong case, and laid it all down almost at Obama's lap. If Jones stayed, it would have made it look like Obama accepted borderline Communists as his top advisors. That wouldn't work.....

Yes, the media can be very powerful when it wants to be, and when it's right. Even bloggers wield that strength, although to a much smaller degree..... And to our leaders? Pick wisely, guys ... We're watching.



  1. The 9\11 Truther petition is what led to the resignation.

    All this proves is that if you want to say ridiculous/insane shit and be in better be Republican.

  2. The 9/11 stuff was enough to had never considered this man.

  3. It could have been worse: He could have been a Congressman or Senator in the party. You know, someone who actually has an important voice in our government.

    Someone like Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla.; Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala Rep.; Bill Posey, R-Fla.; Rep. Mary Bono Mack, R-Calif.; Rep. John Culberson, R-Texas; Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.; Rep. John Campbell, R-Calif to name a few.

  4. There are plenty of 9/11 doubters on our side as well. Personally, I think they're all kooks on that topic.

  5. Anonymous1:03 PM

    sides 'bama's fired him cause he's African...
