Thursday, October 15, 2009

Congrats, America - You've Just Been BS'd Again

'Help!! My Kid Is In the Big Flying Silver Thingy..... Oh Wait, He's In the House '
I'm allowed to go off on what seems like a tragic story every now and then, and today is the day. America is a country of retards. We're led by retards, we all do retarded things, and every once in a while, we believe the retards that do the retarded thing. Like today.......
Yes, the 'My Kid is stuck in a homemade balloon at 10,000 feet' story turned out to be total bullshit. Either it's a big scam, or this family is the biggest bunch of morons, and they should have their kids taken away - or we all even dumber than them.... What seems more plausible? That the entire family somehow didn't realize that he wasn't in the balloon, which didn't even have the basket on it, and no one noticed that he was in the house the whole time, or Mom and Dad - who have already appeared on the TV show 'Wife Swap' TWICE - made this stuff up.
If this all sounds like a small matter, think twice. A rescue plan had to be made on the fly, which may have endangered people in the end, and the Denver Airport had to stop all flights because this "occupied balloon' , which looks like a silver Chef's Hat, made it within 15 miles of it's airspace. I hope they bill these jerks for all actual costs, and if/when they end up on every talk show and they end up with their own series - because you know they will - they have to turn every dollar over to a charity. Like Liars Anonymous....
It's another case that proves Hitler was right in one regard - the bigger the lie, the more people wil believe it. At least for 3 hours.....I could make up a big lie, and be on every paper in the country tomorrow. But, someone innocent always gets hurt by a lie, and not always the liar. There isn't always that kind of justice to liars... You and I are. Notice, i didn't give the names of these morons, because they don't deserve the publicity. Let them fade back into nothing lives with their stupid homemade balloon, and act like they never existed, because they never should have as far as i'm concerned....

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