Friday, October 30, 2009

Good News In Case Maria Belen Chapur Becomes a Lesbian Over Mark...

No, This Is NOT The New Flag of Argentina ... Yet.
True story just over the wire today ..... The Argentinian government is considering making Gay Marriages legal. They've been a very friendly gay country for some time. From what I've read, it's a cool place to go on vacation. Normally, I'd pass on this story to avoid the whole Gay Marriage debate - we've already covered this a while back - but when I heard it was Argentina, I could help it....
Hey, I didn't crack a single joke all Summer about this... I'm entitled. Hey, you never know about Maria. How many times have you seen a girl get dumped by a guy, then do some experimenting? It happened on Seinfeld, didn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:11 PM

    It did happen on Seinfeld, but Jerry and Kramer really?
