Saturday, October 03, 2009

Helpful Tips for Fixing Downtown Florence..

When You Look at Them Side By Side, Most Towns are Pretty Similar.....

I didn't realize it at first, but I noticed afterwards that the pictures I took of Port Jefferson were very similar to the ones I took a couple weeks earlier in Florence. The obvious difference being that Port Jeff has a thriving small business downtown, and Florence seems stuck in neutral a bit.

While anchors like the Library , Little Theatre and the upcoming performing arts center are nice, and they help, the fact is that people will just jump into their cars and go home after seeing these places. The small area around Dargan, Irby, Evans and Palmetto Streets needs to have a successful small business area for people to visit and walk - and spend money.

Right now, it's pretty damned ugly. FDDC is working on it, but a clear plan hasn't been set forth that I've seen yet. So, to help or complicate matters, whichever way you look at it. Here are side by side pics of Florence and Port Jefferson to show what can be done. Yes, Port Jeff has an obvious advantage both in it's waterfront, and the tax dollars it's residents pay. But, it seems to make good sense to find a way to incubate self-sustaining projects like small business development.



  1. Bobby9:44 PM

    speaking of Directv hooked back up today and since I was a previous customer I am still getting the Florence affiliates in the bedroom and garage, but the Charleston ones in the living room. So now the 6 & 11 news won't repeat and I can keep up with all the happenings with them...and your blog of course.

  2. I do not believe in if you build it they will come.

  3. Cool, so now you and Jean can get freaky to Bill Walsh in the livign room at 600, and Frank Johnson in the bedroom at 1100 !

  4. I understand what you're saying Moye, but this isn't really a Field of Dreams here. Yeah, the shift in Flotown has been to the West and South, there is still plenty going on downtown for them to spruce it up..

  5. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Building anything in Florence is a waste of time and money. No one but the welfare race goes downtown! The best thing that could ever happen to downtown Florence would be a fire,especially if it spread to north and east Florence!!
