Monday, October 19, 2009

Holy S**t, It's Cupcake Wars !!!!!

More Stuff For You To Say 'We Don't Care How They Do It Up North'
Until yesterday, I kinda had forgotten how good a homemade cupcake was. That's because I haven't lived in a house with a Mom in it for about 24 years... For those of you mommies out there, you know how the cupcake is a permanent fixture of school, especially elementary school. Between lunch, bake sales and about 25 birthday parties, the cupcake is right up there with the Three R's and Hannah Montana.... But evil lurks near your kid and their cupcake.
Yep, the cupcake is becoming an endangered species, like the Woolly Mammoth and that woodpecker in Sparkleberry Swamp. This week, the school board in West Babylon, New York decided that snacks and drink not on the approved list, and those not prepackaged are not allowed to be eaten at school. There are a few reasons for this - some better than others. Yes, we all want to have our kids make healthy food choices, but this year, there are other dangers for kids as well. Swine Flu has everyone freaking out, as much as you may not like to admit it, you kid is a Slob. Yes, little Justin and Madison pick thier noses, wipe theit snots on their sleeves, and they don't wash their hands after going potty. Yes, this includes YOUR KID ... Sorry for breaking the news to you, but its time we talked about it.
Another reason is food allergies. You might know what your kid is allergic to, but in the farmers market that is lunch time bartering, some kid may trade an Ant on a Log (peanut butter on celery with raisins - deelish!) to a kid with peanut allergies. Then who gets sued? The school, of course. So, there are a few logical reasons, but there is another reason..... one far more sinister and evil......
Yeah, it's money. Guess how much money the school makes on a cupcake brought from home? Zero. No, how much do they get from a package of potato crisps? More than zero. Those vending machines you see everywhere do pay a portion whoever allows them to place the machines there. Hence , more money for the school. A friend who works for a school swears this isn't the case, but I am positive that there is a school Superintendent who is very happy to get the influx of cash. Notice I said the school gets the kickback, not the adminstrator, but I'm sure we'll hear about a scam like that someday.....
If you've made it this far, you're probably saying 'Hey Yankee Boy, what do I give a flying flip about a bunch of Long Island Hausfrau Yentas keeping cupcakes out of school?' My answer is this: eventually, one of them will move to YOUR SCHOOL, and try to pass this under the guise of 'Up North, this is how we did it'. It sounds like concern, but it's Nazism in it's early stages. First, they came after the cupcakes, and I did nothing.....

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